We Can Make a Difference
Hopefully, you all had a great Christmas and New Years. The weather has been pretty decent if you don’t like snow and cold. But I know there are a lot of us that enjoy the winter weather activities. I just hope the cold and snow doesn’t all come towards the end of winter and the start of springtime.
How many of you made that New Years Resolution to do or change something in your life? Maybe it was to eat better, drink less, or make improvements at your job or one of your many hobbies, or things that you do in your spare time.
I know I made a resolution, and hopefully I will be successful. Time will tell on that. But I also am making a resolution for ABATE of Wisconsin to be more vocal in reducing motorcycle crashes and fatalities in Wisconsin. We have some work cut out for us, for sure. But I think if we all work at it, sharing ideas, promoting better practices and mentoring we can make a difference.
Some things will make a difference: Over fifty percent of motorcycle crashes are single bike crashes. No other vehicle was involved. No known other animal involved. Just a rider and the bike going down the road and for whatever reason going off the side of the road into the ditch or not properly navigating the curve. We need to promote slowing down, riding within our skill level, and not driving under the influence, among other things. We need to keep pushing and promoting rider education.
Over 40 percent of those that crash don’t have a proper license to operate the motorcycle. It could be that they never got one. Or it could be they were operating their vehicle after the license was suspended because of an OWI or other traffic violations. We need to urge those that ride to get licensed or to refrain from riding without being properly endorsed.
And we should not be riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Over 30 percent of all crashes, motorcycles, auto, light truck, etc. were under the influence. We need to urge all road users not to drive under the influence, to call and get a ride, or have a designated driver when going out and having beverages. I know this practice is something that is hard to break but we need to watch out for our brothers and sisters on the road.
We will all have our hands full sharing the word by having discussions at our meetings and when we are out traveling. But if we see something we need to have that conversation. It is a hard one to have with friends or someone you know but what if something happened and you didn’t say anything? It would be something that will be difficult to work through.
So, make sure you all sign up for a rider ed course and convince a friend to join you. Take time to practice those maneuvers in a parking lot. The last weekend in April will be a great time to re-teach that muscle memory if you are a rider, so if something happens you will be able to protect yourself. Buehl Bob and the crew in Waukesha on April 26 will be having their Knock the Rust Off program, look for details. ABATE of Wisconsin is also partnering with Wisconsin Harley Davidson to do a riding summit on April 26th and the 27th. We are working out the details and more information will be shared when available.
Officer Training is here, and I hope it meets and exceeds what you are looking for. I think the topics we have will be interesting and helpful for all of the regions to succeed. I am looking forward to the topics on ideas to increase membership and promoting or marketing the organization. Whenever I go someplace, I have an ABATE of Wisconsin hat or shirt on and start conversations with other people. You would think that after 50 years people would know who we are and what we do. But unfortunately, that is not the case. I know we all need to work on increasing membership. It is a great reason when having events to make sure that nonmembers are invited to join and that they are welcomed. When having an event and someone shows up to participate, it can get a little intimidating sometimes for them if they are the lone person in the room. Make sure people start conversations and keep the person involved. I have been talking with Krissy about filming some short spots to spread out over the year promoting what we are doing and why we are doing it.
Right after Officer Training is Lobby Day, THE most important day of the year. Hopefully, you all are getting appointments made with your representatives either in a group meeting or just setting up an appointment and stopping into their office. Steve will be spending some time on all this at Officer Training, so we will be ready to Be Loud!
That’s it for now. See you at Officer Training and Lobby Day!
Ride Your Own Ride,