We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in-person at Officer’s Training. We will have a table set up with information about the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and Independent Motorcycle Aftermarket, along with membership applications and some raffles. Anyone interested in learning more about what an MRF Assistant State Rep does is welcome to join us at our break-out session Friday night at 6 pm. We are always looking to expand our Team and would love to have an Assistant Rep from Districts 6 and 7.
Legislatively, everything is starting over at the federal level now that a new Congress and President have been seated. We are fortunate to have some friends in high places and are looking forward to getting our issues understood by the new Congress. Hardtail believes we have the right people in the right places to hit the ground running.
Bikers in the Beltway will be our biggest opportunity to introduce ourselves to the new Senators and Representatives. If you are interested in learning about attending our federal lobby day in D.C., reach out to myself or Steve Panten for more information. All the major events listed below, both BITB and the two conferences, are amazing learning opportunities. If you are an officer of ABATE, an interested party, or someone with leadership qualities, please reach out to Steve or me about attending these events.
The dates for the major events in 2025 are as follows:
April 4-5, Heartland S.T.E.A.M. in Bettendorf, IA. Scholarships are filled for STEAM, but anyone is welcome and encouraged to attend on their own. Carpooling opportunities still exist.
May 19-20, Bikers in the Beltway, Washington, D.C.
September 25-28, Meeting of the Minds, Shreveport, LA
In the spirit of Meeting of the Minds in Louisiana, visit me when I’m seated at our MRF booth during Officer’s Training, and tell me the English translation of “Laissez les bons temps rouler” for a free chance to win a 1-year individual MRF membership.
Let’s keep the momentum rolling from Officer’s Training right into Lobby Day and beyond. In the words of former fighter pilot Carey Lohrenz “Failure is not the enemy, inaction is.”
Stay vigilant, my friends!
Jennifer Abraham
ABATE of WI, MRF State Rep
MRF Assistant to the Board
ABATE Region 2A Treasurer
(920) 207-4679