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Summer Hummer Report

Krissy Bowe
Betty Roberge

When you stop for food, gas, bathroom break, or a smoke….

Things are starting to buzz around the Hummer Committee meetings. Worm provided us with a first draft of what the weekend schedule will look like. It is VERY tentative, so we are not putting it out there yet. A few hiccups came into play just after the meeting, so we need to get those taken care of before we make it public. Apart from the Saturday night band, which is TBD, the band schedules are all set with the following bands on deck. Tuck Pence at 1 on Thursday afternoon; followed by Swump Water Boogie, then Sammy Ray and Friends. Friday bands start at 5 with Enuff Said followed by The Sociables. Saturday we are showcasing Gregg Hall-acoustical guitar at noon during the Taste, then Double Threat. As said, we are still in the process of booking the Saturday night band. New this year for those of you sticking around to clean up after the event, the band Shady Glen will play on Sunday from 1 – 4 pm.

The committee decided to see how the Taste of Summer at the Hummer plays out this year and visit whether or not we want to continue that mini-event within our event. It does give our attendees an option of something to do on Saturday afternoon and brings people to the main area of the grounds, but it has not been very profitable. We have not lost any money, but our profits are not record breaking. If you enjoy the Taste, then please let us know you want to see it continue, so be sure to attend it, and bring your friends. More on that when our after-action reports come in this summer.

Krissy is in the process of finalizing our event posters so they can be distributed at Officer’s Training. When they are disbursed it is extremely important that you get them out to all of your local establishments, grocery stores, gas stations, etc. The highest area of concentration for putting up posters is of course, around ABATE Acres itself. Keep a good supply with you and when you stop for food, gas, bathroom break, or a smoke, hang them up and talk up the Hummer. Our best form of advertising is YOU.

Below is a list of Summer Hummer department leads. When you decide which area you are interested in volunteering for, give them a call and get on the schedule. The more we can do to help out, the better the Hummer will Hummmmm. One area that always needs help is restroom cleanup. Get together with your region and take a 4-hour shift. Any member that completes (2) four-hour shifts will earn themselves $15 worth of ABATE Hummer Bucks. Hummer Bucks can be applied to ABATE products purchases or can be cashed in at the Bar Chip table for Bar Chips.

Volunteer by contacting the following:

Bar Area Leads: Brad Shakal (715) 306-0105 or Jay Goecks (715) 315-0070

Bike Show Lead: Gary Krueger (920) 994-4638

First Aid Lead: Chrissy Cartwright (608) 354-9265

Gate Lead: Bill Roberge (608) 769-5337

Grounds Lead: Robert “Worm” Grasse (920) 912-1789

Products Lead: Carolyn Kittredge or Shawn Klinker (608) 377-3050 or (608) 427-3845

Security Lead: Danny Stoddard (920) 217-3639

Swap Meet Lead: Gary Krueger (920) 994-4638

Taste of Summer Lead: Dawn Stoddard (920) 639-5037

Treasury Lead: Laurie Thompson (414) 940-5883

Vendor Leads: Lauri Shakal (715) 306-0048 Betsy Jennings (715) 533-8085 or

  Kay Johnson (715) 512-0062

Just a reminder that we are still accepting Sponsorships. The form will run in the newsletter for a few more months. Because the deadline for printing on the posters is past, new sponsors will no longer be eligible for their business name or logo being printed on the poster….however they will still get their advertising on all other printed materials as well as being included on the website Hummer page. We also have the option of businesses purchasing a banner that would be hung at the land for several months, from mid-May (land opening) until mid-October (land closing.) Look for that banner application on page 21 of the newsletter. 

Listen for our Summer Hummer radio ad which should be broadcasting soon and get your T-Shirt designs in by Officer’s Training to get in on the contest. This year marks 20 years, yes Twenty Years, since the Hummer has been on our own land! Where does the time go?

Any suggestions to make our Hummer bigger and better? Contact Worm or Betty at the email addresses below.

Tell your friends!

Summer Hummer June 19—22, 2025

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