Here we Go..
Time to Promote
At Officer’s Training in February, we handed out 1500 Summer Hummer posters as well as Bike Show posters and Swap Meet posters. These posters are your responsibility to get into your local business, favorite bars and restrooms. Yes, the inside door of a stall is a great way to promote to a captive audience. We need to do whatever it takes to make the public and our own members aware of the Summer Hummer.
Please check out the sponsorship banner program on page 21 of this newsletter. Even though we have past the dates for sponsors to be included on our official poster, new sponsors can take advantage of the banner program. Great River Harley Davidson in Onalaska was a banner sponsor a few years ago and their banner still graces the bar area at the land. That’s pretty good advertising there. We don’t guarantee longevity for these banners, but you never know.
Make sure that your members/friends/family/co-workers are aware of the Saturday only Bring You Own Everything swap meet. The cost to set up is the gate entry fee. Set up a table for the day and get the chance to sell or find what you have been looking for. It’s a good chance to find that old part you haven’t been able to find on a stockroom shelf.
Also make the people you are promoting to aware of the ride in bike show. This takes place on Saturday too. We get some pretty sharp bikes – new and old – to look at and drool over. There are multiple prizes for different categories. There is a poster with all the info you need in this newsletter.
The 2025 Summer Hummer T-shirt design has been chosen. Look for your order form and a glimpse of the design in next month’s newsletter. Pre-ordered shirts will be available at the Hummer for pick up. You won’t be disappointed.
Below is a list of Summer Hummer department leads. When you decide which area you are interested in volunteering for, give them a call and get on the schedule. The more we can do to help out, the better the Hummer will Hummmmm. One area that always needs help is restroom cleanup. Get together with your region and take a 4-hour shift. Any member that completes (2) four-hour shifts will earn themselves $15 worth of ABATE Hummer Bucks. Hummer Bucks can be applied to ABATE products purchases or can be cashed in at the Bar Chip table for Bar Chips.
Volunteer by contacting the following:
Bar Area Leads: Brad Shakal (715) 306-0105
Bike Show Lead: Gary Krueger (920) 994-4638
First Aid Lead: Chrissy Cartwright (608) 354-9265
Gate Lead: Bill Roberge (608) 769-5337
Grounds Lead: Robert “Worm” Grasse (920) 912-1789
Products Lead: Carolyn Kittredge or Shawn Klinker (608) 377-3050 or (608) 427-3845
Security Lead: Danny Stoddard (920) 217-3639
Swap Meet Lead: Gary Krueger (920) 994-4638
Taste of Summer Lead: Dawn Stoddard (920) 639-5037
Treasury Lead: Laurie Thompson (414) 940-5883
Vendor Leads: Lauri Shakal (715) 306-0048 Betsy Jennings (715) 533-8085
Listen for our Summer Hummer radio ad which should be broadcasting soon.
This year marks 20 years, yes Twenty Years, since the Hummer has been on our own land! Where does the time go?
Any suggestions to make our Hummer bigger and better? Contact Worm or Betty at the email addresses below.
Tell your friends!
Summer Hummer June 19—22, 2025
Send your suggestions to:
Worm at Robert.grasse59@gmail.com or to Betty at news30letter@outlook.com