Region 7A: Pierce / Polk / St. Croix Counties

Regional Rep: Mitch Kittel
(715) 248-7330

Area Reps:
Al Hauser
(715) 425-6584

Rick Lombardo
(715) 269-5615

Tom Maes
(715) 265-4142

Treasurer: Rick Brown
(715) 247-5305

Legislative Rep: Vacant

Meetings: See text

April 2024

Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month 7:30 pm

Treasurer’s Report – $515.00. Made $215 on our Chili Cookoff. Sent $25 for raffle license. Will send $190 to ABATE general fund.

Thanks to the 11 who came to our March meeting.

Read your newsletter on legislative updates that we talked about.

This is an election year and will also be ABATE of Wisconsin’s 50th Anniversary in October. There will be a celebration in Madison Oct. 11-13. There is an order form in the newsletter for some 50th Anniversary clothing.

HD Riders annual Cabin Fever had a good turn out and was a good time, as always.

S.T.E.A.M. Conference in Sioux Falls SD April 12-13.

Our spring ditch pick up will be on Sunday May 19th. Meet at Rusty’s at noon.

Mark your calendars for our group ride Aug. 23-25. Let Sue know if you are interested and if you have any place you think would be good to go this year, or if you want to go back to one of the places we have been to before.

Upcoming: Next meeting – April 10th – will have the yard signs, posters, flyers for Summer Hummer and coasters to get out for May motorcycle awareness.

Defrost run – April 13th

Flood Run – Apr. 20th

HD Riders Poker Run/45th anniversary party – July 20th.

Been seeing some bikes on the road and I am thinking this could be an early spring. Ride safe as there may be sand on the roads even if they didn’t sand them much.



Sue Kittel