by Doris Weber
We just wrapped up executive training which is always a great learning experience and chance to share ideas with each other. As our organization changes leadership, we continue to find the best ways to work and communicate with each other. The idea to create a new email for events that will bounce to all the people who need that information has come to light. So, from now on when you have your event information and flyer please email it to, this way it will go to the newsletter, website, and social media all in one click.
If you have plans set up a booth to recruit new members, and will need marketing items please email me as soon as you know the date. We have three of the pop-up tents that are available to use but they need to be reserved ahead of time. All marketing materials will be handed out to your district director at the board meeting before your event.
In case you missed it, I have taken over as the social media coordinator. If I am not currently an administrator on your district or region page/group, please add me. I am not there to take it over, by any means, but to aid in monitoring and make sure all posts are in the best interest of ABATE of Wisconsin. My name on Facebook appears as Doris Weber (Earle).
If you have any ideas or questions to share with me please, as always, feel free to contact me.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Doris Weber