Region 7D: Jackson / Monroe Counties
Regional Rep: Rich Onstad
(715) 299-4481
Area Rep. Monroe: Doug Smith
(608) 372-3870
Membership Officer: Dave "Twit" Linberg
Secretary: Vacant
Regional Treasurer: Gary Klinker
(608) 427-3845
Legislative: Vacant
Meetings: First Sunday of the month 1 pm at Sunset Tavern, Black River Falls
December 2024
Meetings: 1st Sunday of month at Sunset Tavern in Black River Falls, WI. At 1:30 pm, downstairs
Meeting held 11-3 at Sunset 1:30. Pledge and MOS given. Called to order by Rich. Started discussion about election coming up on 11-5. Make sure you vote !! With redistricting we have some new people. I think we now have Sen. Patrick Testin and Rep. Nancy Vandermeer. Make sure to thank our former Sen. and Rep., as they have both supported us. Time to get to know our new ones.
We talked about a vote for Region Rep. Rich was the only nomination. We can vote on it in Feb. On that note, the chili cook-off is set for Feb 15th at Sunset Tavern, BRF. Be there or be square. Our next mtg is Dec 1 at 1:30 at Sunset. January meeting is going to be held with Region 7C on Jan 5th 1 pm at the Jailhouse in Centerville. Going to be a Holiday party afterwards. Pizza is being provided by 7C. Bring an hors d’oeuvre or a dessert to share. Congrats to all the elected officials.