Region 1A: Milwaukee County

Region Representative: Cathy Dial

Area Rep: Tiger Beyer

Treasurer: Keith Batchelor

Legislative Rep: Seven

Membership Rep: Bob Tieberg

Share The Road: Bob Tieberg

Products Rep: Mikey Mueller

May 2024

Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm at Magoo’s on the Mound, 5841 W. Bluemound Road, Milwaukee

April meeting was a full house again, lots of info about the Motorcycle World. You can tell it’s summertime as the List of Events at the end of the agenda that Cathy makes up every meeting, has something going almost every weekend. Come hang-out with like-minded peeps, us!

May definitely has a ride or event every weekend. It is shaping up to be a big summer already. Is your Motorcycle ready to ride? Are you ready to ride? Let’s all remember to Ride Your Own Ride. Do not let the group dictate how fast you are riding; you be the judge about how fast you want to go. I am asking you to attend our Awareness Rally on May 11th, it’s a Saturday. Our Milwaukee 1A Rally will be first, and then the Waukesha 1F Rally and our own Chef Buell Bob will be cooking Brats & Hotdogs once again. Thank you, Buell Bob. (See flyer in newsletter.)

Please remember to talk about ABATE to other peeps. Our organization is on the forefront of a lot that is happening Legislatively these days. Did you see the TV commercials “don’t ban our cars . com”? Exactly what we as ABATE members are taking to our Legislators about these days. Don’t Ban Our Motorcycles!

Okay, a short and sweet report this month. Our next meeting is May 14th at Magoo’s with a 7:30 pm start, always the 2nd Tuesday of the month. It is a Brewers game night so close parking will be scarce, a little walk will do you good, lol.

Be safe,