by John Reblin
Here we are running hard into May and spring, looking forward to the warm sunny days and all that goes along with the warmer weather. We are also getting the mess in the garage that happened over winter cleaned up so you can get the bike out and ready to ride. You know the drill, move the snowblower, hang the shovels up hopefully, for the last time and then bump the lawn mower over so you can drag the bike back to start working on it and maybe put the battery tender on that you promised yourself you were going to do last fall but didn’t. Then make the list of bike maintenance and repairs and decide what you are going to do, and who will you take the bike to get those other needed jobs done. Along with these chores, I also have been helping around the yard getting that ready for the summer – fixing the garden fence, moving the compost pile cutting some trees, along with the other chores that pile up during the winter around the house. It seems to be a lot to get done, but like others, I have free time on my hands due to the Corona virus and the slight chance of contracting the disease and getting sick.
April ABATE of Wisconsin meetings have been canceled due to the statewide moratorium against “mass gathering” which is “any planned or spontaneous, public or private event or convening that will bring together, or is likely to bring together 10 or more people in a single room or single confined or enclosed space at the same time”. Smaller meetings can go on, but you need space to allow for “safe distancing”, which could be difficult. Our board meeting was cancelled prior to this occurring, because the April meeting landed on Easter this year. Our bylaws state that we need to meet 9 times a year which gives us some flexibility, so we decided not to hold that meeting, but we have started to discuss plans for our May BOD meeting. Hopefully, we will be able to hold meetings in May. Unfortunately, other events in the state have been canceled or postponed also. Make sure you keep an eye out for events in your area to be re-scheduled, and if able, attend and support these events. The STEAM conference that was to be held in Springfield, Illinois was also canceled due to these restrictions.
Obviously, things can change depending on how this virus continues. Right now, Bikers inside the Beltway is a go, and you can reserve your spot for Meeting of the Minds in Indiana. By the time you see this, the spots for Bikers will be set, but if you are interested in Meeting of the Minds check with Steve Panten to see if there are scholarships available. Land Warming is set for May 15-17th with the Board meeting being held on the 17th and, as usual, these meetings being held for the summer are at the land. The Hummer is still on and I am sure this is going to be a great weekend to get together with all our brothers and sisters. If you want to give a hand look for the contact list to volunteer and help, make this a successful event.
Looking for other things to do during your down time? Work together within your region on creating your best event to celebrate getting out and together to raise money for the organization. When this Safer at Home ends, I believe we will all want to get out and have a great time. Start to plan for those awareness rallies to remind drivers that yes, motorcycles are back on the road and to watch out. Help out the politician that you support who is running for election this year and ask to volunteer for their campaign.
You can spend some time on the phone, reaching out to members that have not attended a few meetings, checking to make sure they are doing ok and remind them when the meetings resume. Reach out to those members who have had their membership expire, inviting them to renew and attend your meetings again. Contact your members and share any information that you have about what is going on in the state, in order to stay connected with them.
What else can we do? Well, you could contact the DNR and see if you can participate in your county’s County Deer Advisory Council. You can either join the committee or attend as a guest to give input on the deer population and the effects that the deer herd has on the area. As a rider, we all know the danger of riding and having a deer or other animal dart into the road often resulting with serious injury or death.
Check with the Sheriff in your county and see when they are planning a Highway Safety meeting near you. These are mandatory quarterly meetings that discuss crashes and issues being seen on the roads in your area. They look forward to input about how to correct these issues. They discuss crashes in the area, road repairs like potholes and tar snakes, along with general maintenance needed along the roadway like trimming brush or cutting long grass. These meetings may be postponed now, or they may be holding them by phone conference. Get on the contact list and help make our roads safer.
One last thing to all. Consider running for a board position. All positions are open this year and we are looking for candidates. The District Director portion of our election cycle is going on now, but you could do a write in campaign if you have interest in becoming a DD. Later this summer, after the close of the DD election, the other positions will open up. Competition is a good thing for any elected position. Give it serious thought.