Going stir crazy at home? Need to elect a new regional representative in your region? Here’s something to think about.
Regional Reps and Regional Rep elections…
It appears from the regional reports that there are a lot of regions that are losing their current Regional Rep and will have to go through the process of electing a new one. Cuz wants to make the process easier by printing the sections of the ByLaws and the Policy and Procedures that cover Regional elections here for you to share and discuss at your meetings.
The Region shall be controlled by the Regional Representative. The duties of each Regional Representative shall be:
To have general control over regional activities, including events, and regional financial reports.
To arouse interest in ABATE on a regional level.
May appoint Area Representatives, Area Secretary, Area Treasurer, Area Products Person, and special committees to handle tasks within their respective regions; and the Regional Representative shall be responsible for the activities of such appointees.
To resolve problems which may arise within their respective regions.
To keep the line of communication open to the state office of ABATE by attending a Board meeting at least twice a year.
To keep the state office of ABATE informed of local ordinances and problems on a state level.
To keep the state office of ABATE informed on membership problems, address changes, etc.
Any Regional Representative who wishes to organize a function within their area and use the name of ABATE of Wisconsin, Inc., may do so with the consent of the Board.
ARTICLE X (Vacancies)
From the Policy and Procedures:
Regional Election Procedures
Candidate Eligibility – 9/96 Any member, meeting the Constitution and By-Laws years of membership requirement (currently 2 full years) for candidacy may run for the position of Regional Representative. Plain and simple, we have never enforced residency requirements when a Regional representative has moved from a given region. Currently, we have several Regional representatives who do not reside in the Region for which they hold the office of Regional Representative.
ANY member, meeting the Constitution and By-Laws years of membership requirement for candidacy, may run for the position of Regional Representative.
Voting requirements – Regional Elections – 9/96 Since any member can attend any regional meeting throughout the state, let them vote. We have members who actively attend meetings in regions and volunteer their services to regions other than their own, for whatever the reason might be. Not allowing them to vote would be a definite infringement on their rights as a member. Any general member may, upon presentation of their current membership card, be allowed to vote for the Regional representative of any region, by attendance and by voting in accordance to the procedures established by that given region.
Regional Election Documentation – Notice of Regional Elections must be given to the membership of the region before elections being held. It is suggested that such notice be distributed a minimum of three (3) weeks before the planned election date. Notice in the regional reports section of the ABATE of Wisconsin Newsletter is considered sufficient if included in a issue distributed at least three weeks prior to the meeting. In most cases, to use this method, notice must appear in the issue dated two months before the election (i.e. in the July issue, for an election at the September meeting.) Additional information can be found in the Constitution and By-Laws, Articles IX and X.
Immediately after Regional Elections, the State Office must be notified of election results in writing. This notice should include the NAMES, MAILING ADDRESSES, PHONE, and EMAIL numbers of the officers, as well as designation of the office they hold. The State Office will then notify the State Treasurer and Products Director of the names and addresses of the Regional Treasurer and Regional Products person. However, it is also strongly suggested that Regional Treasurers and Products people make contact with the State Officers supervising their areas for complete information immediately after appointment.
Regions are responsible for notifying the ABATE of Wisconsin Newsletter Editor of changes in the content of the information published in the header of the monthly regional reports. It is the policy of ABATE of Wisconsin to not publish regional contact information unless it is specifically provided directly to the editor for the purpose of publication.