Hey Man, What’s the Plan, What Was that You Said?
August 31, 2022
Jr. Patriot Report
October 2, 2022

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Dear Cuz,

I know election time is coming up and I hear my regional rep telling me to get out there and meet my candidate before I vote. Is it really that important? Will it really give me more bang for my buck in the long run?



Dear Skeptical,

Wow. The answer is YES!! Meeting candidates is one of the most important things we can do as a citizen and an ABATE member, and it doesn’t matter what political party the candidates associate with. By getting to know your regional, state or federal candidates, and even better, working for them in their campaign, can be very impactful. Even if those people lose this election, they will realize the effort you made and will value your support. Maybe next go round they will win their race and they will remember. Have you heard the saying “It’s who you know?” Darn straight it is. These people that we vote into office in November are the people we will be visiting in Madison or in Washington, DC. for the next several years, if not longer. If they remember who you are, they will pay closer attention to what your concerns are. It makes the world go round. So, get to know them. Put up those campaign signs. Make a few phone calls. Listen to them debate the issues and pay close attention to what they are saying so you know who has the same beliefs and ideals that you do. In that way, together we can get some work done.

Your ever loving, “Cuz”