By Dave ‘Chubby’ Charlebois
Why does everything have to be about politics? I thought ABATE was about biking and brotherhood but you always want me to make phone calls and get involved at the Capitol. Doesn’t ABATE offer anything that’s not political? Although questions and comments like these may be humorous to some, I guarantee I’ve listened to comments like them many times while serving as an officer of this organization. I’m guessing that most of you reading this have already formulated an answer in your mind and the rest of you are waiting for that answer. Well, since I can’t read your minds I’ll tell you what’s in mine. ABATE of WI is political by nature; after all, we are a state motorcyclists rights organization. But, that doesn’t mean we don’t offer something that’s maybe not so political and biking and brotherhood is a big part of who we are, political or not. You don’t have to be a biker to be in ABATE, but you’d have a hell of a time being a biker without us. We are the front line of defense in regards to unjust laws that infringe on not only our rights as citizens but also our lifestyle. That being said, if we’re just about politics we would probably give up our lifestyle and that’s not happening. So what else is there? I’m here to let you know.
The first thing we do that isn’t political but sure makes a statement is our Share the Road program. Our volunteer instructors have a great time doing classes and it can be a very rewarding feeling to know that by teaching a class you are saving lives. We have received a lot of praise from driver’s education schools and also organizations that we’ve shown this program to and it continues to be one of the most positive things we do for all motorcyclists that is not political. If you’ve never heard of the program or are interested in learning more, please contact our STR coordinator Bill Kingsley (contact info on the back page of this newsletter) and ask him how you can be a part of such a worthwhile program.
What? Another chili cook-off? That’s right, we have a lot of fundraisers held throughout the year and besides chili cook-off’s we have parties, raffle runs, bike shows, swap meets, shooting tournaments, and the list goes on. If politics isn’t your thing but you’d still like to be a part of ABATE just pick an event and get involved. Just showing up to have fun at an event supports the organization and helps us in our endeavors but if you really want to meet people and have fun too, try volunteering at an event. The more people that there are to divide up the work load, the more fun it is for everybody. And, unless we’re organizing an event at the Capitol, our events aren’t very political.
Have you ever been to a rally that’s not political in Wisconsin? I know there are a few hosted by other motorcycle groups in Wisconsin but did you know that ABATE of WI holds dozens of non-political rallies each year? Our motorcycle awareness rallies have been an incredible success throughout the state since their inception and are a great way to promote not only safety and awareness, but biking and brotherhood too. There will be much more information on these in the coming months and if you’d like to attend one in your area the regional reports in this newsletter would be your best source of information for their locations this year. The whole family is welcome and encouraged at these rallies and although there’s no free beer or music, you’re still guaranteed to have a great time doing something worthwhile and non-political.
Have you ever been camping? ABATE of WI owns their own property in the center of the state and it is open for all members to enjoy all summer long. We have several events scheduled already this year but our land is open to us at no extra cost to members whenever an event isn’t being held and in fact the only event with a cost associated to it is our rally “The Summer Hummer”. Starting in May, we will be having our land warming May 18-20 and although there is work involved, there is no experience necessary and I would dare to say that the weekend is filled with more fun and brotherhood than work. In June we have our Summer Hummer from June 14-17th which has always been about the most fun you can have with your clothes on, although that’s not required. And finally in August we are having our third annual Family Campout Aug 10-12 where we encourage members to bring their whole family (even the dog) and enjoy our land with other members that may not have an opportunity to otherwise visit there because of family obligations. For more info on events at the land refer to the center of the newsletter where an article is dedicated to these happenings each month. The only thing political at our land is our members and if politics aren’t your thing, you already know how to avoid those discussions. So, dust off that tent and get ready to have a good time this summer. No politics necessary.
As I read through this list of things that ABATE of WI offers that have nothing to do with politics it almost makes a political junkie like myself a little sad until I think about the real reasons we should all be involved in ABATE; biking and brotherhood. We definitely have a lot of that to offer. So, put the politics aside this summer and attend an ABATE event. We’d love to see you there. Until next month…Ride Free