By the generous donations from a slew of members and some that came through in the final hours of December, we can finally say that the Pavilion Project is a done deal. What does that mean? It has not only been erected and looks great, but it is paid for! The final checks will be written in January to complete payment on the Pavilion. The Cornerstone ABATE Pavilion Sponsor wall will more than likely be done in the spring due to the cold weather. The bricks that were broken at delivery have been ordered and received, and the cap will be installed by Craft Masonry in the spring. If you remember, the cap was too heavy to place on newly mortared bricks when the wall was constructed in October, so we needed to wait for that mortar to cure before installing the cap – to be done next spring.
Congratulations, ABATE members. We have a beautiful, functional, and income producing building on our land that will add value to what we already had. As of this date, we have several members that have opted to store their campers under this shelter for the winter, giving ABATE some additional income other than from fundraising events. Every little bit helps to give us the tools to fight our fight and stay on the road. Well done, ABATE of Wisconsin. Well done.
Which leaves the question…What’s Next?
The Land Development Committee
Robert “Worm” Grasse
Committee Chair