by Bill Roberge
This is an election year for ABATE. One of the jobs of the Membership Director is to oversee the election process. If you are planning to run for office, please take the time to read the timeline and forms found in the newsletter. I don’t want to see anyone on the ballot because a form wasn’t filled out correctly or sent in on time. We have to follow the rules set in our bylaws and Redbook.
I have a little good news. As a result of Lobby Day we processed a new couples Lifetime Membership. The couple said they met so many nice people that they had to join. They we in Madison on other business that day, but decided to check out what was going on and were recruited by Krissy Bowe. Thanks for helping to show them what ABATE is all about. Let’s keep this in mind for next Lobby Day….or any day for that matter. If you know a person from a motorcycle dealership, or repair shop, or anyone you think would be interested in ABATE, take them along with you. I know some of the buses are not completely full, so let’s fill them up with potential new members.
Some of the questions I get around election time are – Can I mail ballots from several members in one envelope? Yes. Several of our Regional Reps ask members to vote at a regional meeting then send all those ballots in all at once. The other question I get is – Can I make copies of the ballots from the newsletter? The answer to that question is also, yes.
Don’t forget the Summer Hummer is coming up soon. Ther is a list of department heads I the newsletter that can be contacted if you would like to volunteer and help out. We need help in every department from garbage pick-up to working at the gate. Even if you can only work one 4-hour shift, that’s a big deal! You can’t imagine how much that helps.
Thank you to all the volunteers that worked at and Warming last month. The land looks great. Make sure you use it – it belongs to you. See you at the Hummer.
Ride Safe, Ride Free, Ride with ABATE.