Share The Road Report
February 1, 2025
Membership Director
February 1, 2025

Marketing Report

I’m really excited to see you all at Officer’s Training & Lobby Day in February. At Officer’s Training I’ll be distributing items to be used at events that your region is hosting or that you will have a table at. Sometimes there are opportunities when you happen to be attending events where you can hand out items to other people that might find ABATE something they would be interested in. I encourage officers to have items handy. Have a koozie with a membership brochure in it and pass it out. It can also be a great conversation starter. Keep some tattoos with you and offer them to kids (via parents’ approval.)

There are a few other fun updates in the Marketing aspect. This year at Lobby Day we will have a small reminder to leave with each legislator to help them keep us in mind as things cross their desk. The suggestion of leaving something on their desk came from a member; so please make sure to share your ideas with me. Sometimes I can make it happen, sometimes it may take till the next budget, and sometimes it might not come to fruition; but I appreciate the ideas & input. Another item in the works is an updated website. The current site is utilizing a program that works well for people who work with those systems regularly. But as you know, we are volunteers; and those of you who know me know I’m a banker, not in IT. This has prevented updates to certain areas of the site. The new version should be much more user-friendly. Hopefully we’ll be able to roll it out soon.

Finally, here is your friendly reminder that if you have events that you would like shared, need help with a poster or Facebook event post, or have marketing ideas; please reach out. (920) 858-7189 or or

See you all soon!


ABATE of WI Marketing Director