ABATE Acres Report

by Robert “Worm” Grasse

The land is closed for the season but there will still be some activity going on. The Pavilion project is scheduled for early December. It will be interesting to see how quickly it is put up and to see how it will fit in with the lay out of the land. A lot of planning has gone into the type of building we are going to put up and discussion about it’s various uses. Stop by before the snow gets too deep and take a look. The contractor ABATE hired to build it is Brickl Brothers out of West Salem, WI. Stan Brickl (owner) has been a long time member of ABATE of WI. It’s nice to be able to use a member’s business to do the work.

That’s about it for the season…Is it spring yet?

Keep Your Trifolds Handy
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November 1, 2022