Region 2J: Adams / Marquette Counties
Regional Rep: Tim Flanery
Adams & Marquette County Area Rep: Dave Lamont
Membership: John "Poncho" Paszkiewicz
Secretary: Brenda Penoske
Treasurer: Barb Batker
Legislative: John Wilkinson
Products: Don Greening
January 2025
Meetings are the FIRST Sunday of the month at 1 pm at the Snider Richardson American Legion Post 273 in Grand Marsh, WI.
January meeting will be at NOON on January 5th and will be a potluck. Bring a dish to pass and your own beverage.
Meeting was called to order by our Regional Rep Tim followed by the Pledge and a Moment of Silence for our downed brothers and sisters. We had 13 members and 1 guest in attendance.
Meeting minutes/secretary report was printed on the back of the agenda for the members to read. It was accepted and approved. Barb gave the Treasurer’s report. It was accepted and approved. Poncho reported that we have 63 members. We currently do not have a products officer at this time. Share The Road is an open position. Area rep had nothing new to report. For legislation John was not present – we did talk about CARB and Lobby Day.
Officer’s training was mentioned. We have 4 officers that are planning on attending. It was mentioned that Lobby Day t-shirts need to be ordered by December 31 and can be picked up at Officer’s Training. Cabin Fever 2025 was briefly discussed. Further discussion and planning will take place after the new year.
Rich won $30.00 with the 50/50 drawing.
Bill Swaney lost $243.00 with the membership drawing.
Happy New Year from Region 2J.