Region 8D: Green County
Region Rep: Jessica Brennan
(608) 214-7367
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Peg Brennan
(608) 214-0263
Products: Terry Sperry
(608) 897-8034
Meetings: First Sunday of every other month, see text below for more information.
December 2024
Meetings: First Sunday of every other month, see text for locations and dates
This year Gifts That Foster Hope was held on November 9th at Bennett’s Junction House. This fundraiser benefits local youth in foster care. There are currently 17 foster kids in Green County. Members of Apparitions MC, ABATE, and Human Services spent the afternoon setting up. The gala featured live auction, silent auction, card raffle, 50/50, and bag raffle. Thanks to everyone who donated time and contributed to the event. Lobby Day is scheduled for February 13th.
Jess Brennan