Region 7C: La Crosse / Vernon / Trempealeau Counties
Regional Rep - Clint Carlaw
(608) 786-4333
Secretary/Treasurer: Betty Roberge
(608) 769-4089
Area Rep La Crosse County: Henry "Rev" Lange
Meetings: 1st Sunday, 1 p.m., Jailhouse Saloon, Centerville, WI
Region 7C -- December 3rd, 2017 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order and started with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Dean thanked everyone for coming and thanked our good neighbors to the north from Region 7D and District 7 Director Dave VanDyke for coming and sharing the day.
The checking account is in order and under the $300 limit. Both raffle licenses are up to date. The extra set of letters for the roadside billboard were purchased and now in the metal box with the sign.
Dean read the legislative updates. Our Right of Way Violations bill (SB189/AB201) passed the State Assembly with only one opposing vote and then passed the Senate unanimously. It got signed by Gov. Walker on November 30th. This one was a long time in coming but we got it done. Thanks to everyone who helped push this along the way!
Lobby Day for 2018 has been scheduled for January 23rd. Other issues that we still have hanging out there will be addressed on that day. A bus has been chartered to run from the La Crosse area to the Madison Capitol for those who wish to go. Our usual bus route will be leaving from the Woodman's in Onalaska at 7:45 AM. Parking is in the west side of the lot near the hotels. Please be on time -- we have other stops to pick up people along the way and have to keep a certain schedule. The large group photo has been scheduled for 12:30 PM on the steps of the Capitol. DON'T BE LATE -- We will not wait for you. At this time, we have a meeting set up with Senator Shilling as well as Reps Doyle and Billings at 1:30 PM in Room 201SE. Legislators and members from adjoining regions will be joining us as they have in previous years. Please double check the meeting schedule when you arrive in Madison for any last minute changes.
If you have trouble finding certain bills on the Wisconsin Legislative website, Dean suggests members use LegiScan ( ). It seems to be much easier to navigate than the state site.
Dean encouraged all members to visit the MRF website to read about the latest news on Ethanol, Motorcyclist Profiling and the RPM Act (Right to modify your own motorcycle). The MRF has several pre-written letters that can be sent to your elected officials voicing your concerns regarding these important issues.
Our next meeting will be on January 7th at 1:00 PM at the Jailhouse Saloon in Centerville. The following meeting will be February 4th at the same place and time.
Meeting was adjourned for our Christmas party. Thank you to everyone who showed up and brought food and participated in the gift exchange. It was a great opportunity to hang and socialize with our ABATE family.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Dean "D-Day" Bartosh
Regional Rep. -- Region 7C
January 2025
Meetings: 1st Sunday – 1 pm at Jailhouse Saloon, Centerville, WI.
Gotta say there fellow Freedom Fighters, that bikini season is over! Election is in the books, and we have a couple new folks to say Howdy to and get them interested in working with ABATE going forward.
Had 14 souls at the meeting. Opened with Pledge and Moment of Silence. Discussion about next meeting and 7D joining in and a party afterwards.
Discussed fundraising and membership issues with some real insightful input. Thanks Mr. Martell, Bill, and Dave! Also, Bill gave us a quick overview of the State Board meeting. Clint included some examples of what we are up against in terms of how our elected officials are chipping away at our Freedoms with burying laws in hundreds of pages of legislation! Provisions for a per mile tax on vehicles, mandatory lockout detection of impaired operations for vehicles as well as certain vehicles that don’t meet clean air standards not able to be sold in 6 states. Was mentioned that ABATE may be looking to add a new position at the state level to read the new legislation for impact/language of interest. Support was given by our Region.
Next meeting is January 5 at 1 pm at Jailhouse in Centerville. Joint meeting with 7D with party after. Pizza is provided, but a couple dessert items can be brought for sharing!
Meeting adjourned…be safe out there y’all