Region 3A: Oconto / Marinette / Florence Counties

Regional Rep: Ryan "Duke" Dequaine

Area Reps:

Don Derouin

Mike Skaggs

Gilbert St. Charles

Treasurer/Area Rep: Rachel McGowan

Legislative Officer: Ryan "Duke" Dequaine

Share The Road: Cat Huntowski

Regional Products: Carolyn Kittredge

Products Assistant: Mary Skaggs

Region 3A Etree:

Meetings: 1st Sunday, 1p.m. at Windmill Bar & Grill, 6949 HWY 22, Oconto Falls

January 2025

Greetings and wishes of the happiest New Year to you and yours from Region 3A! We held our monthly meeting on December 1st, at the Windmill. We started things off with the Pledge, MOS and welcoming of members.

In Communications, the next three meetings are on 01/05/25, 02/02/25, 03/02/25. In Products, it was mentioned that what we have for the 50th Anniversary merch is what we have along with a preorder for “Wrap your Arms Around Freedom” Lobby Day shirts. The deadline will have passed as you read this, hopefully you got yours.

Safety/Share The Road, in Safety, we talked about motorcycle fatalities so far this year are on par with last year’s numbers. In the beginning of December, there were 96 (+3 from Nov.) total crashes reported resulting in 99 (+3) fatalities and 38 (+4) injuries in Wisconsin. With the deer contributing factor staying the same at 7 total crashes reported resulting in 7 fatalities and 4 injuries. Now that we are into winter, hopefully those numbers are not going to increase as most bikes are parked until spring.

In Share The Road, we will have presented the two classes scheduled in December. Thanks Cat, for getting this valuable program back in the area, to help educate and create awareness for motorcycles on our roadways. Again, if you know of a driving class, group, etc. who would like to see a presentation of the Share The Road class, please contact Cat at the information provided on the article’s header.

In Legislative, we went over the Legislative Agenda we will be presenting at our Biker Lobby Day on February 13, 2025, at the Capital in Madison. The items we will be talking to our legislators about at our lobby day in February are the right to repair, protecting our fuel source with E10 or less, and consumer choice in selecting an engine type appropriate to our needs. Please join us to speak with our Legislators about the issues important to Wisconsin motorcyclists. If you would like to attend, please reach out to me to be included in the meetings. The bus schedule is published in the newsletter or travel on your own. At the Federal level, support was asked for H.J. Res. 199 & S.J. Res. 104. These are Joint Resolutions to stop excessive CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards being set to a level that is unattainable with liquid fuels alone.

In Membership, it looks like we are going to continue to have a goal of doubling the membership as we are not making substantial gains in the region’s membership. One new member or long-time expired member in 2025 from each of you is all we are asking. Your future, way of life, safety, and legal rights as a motorcyclist in Wisconsin could depend on it!

In Treasury, the November report was given by Rachel outlining the money in and out for the month.

In Old Business, the Fun Run invite letters are available for the 32nd Annual Fun Run. If you know of an establishment, bar, restaurant, coffee, ice cream shop, tattoo shop, etc. that would like to be in this year’s Fun Run book, please contact myself or Rachel at the listed info above to get you or them the invitation/sign-up letter. The deadline for entry is 01/31/25 as we would like to get the books out as early as possible this year with the drawing/end party at the October meeting. The Brat Fry and Awareness Rally date in May is still on the table to be determined.

In New Business, a form was circulated for our annual update of Regional Officer’s information.

What’s happening next? On 02/15/25 the 5th Annual CCO & MR at Ray-Ray’s Bottoms Up in Pensaukee: 4168 CTY HWY SS Oconto, WI 54153. We ask for a $10 donation to enter a chili and/or taste. Registration is from 1-3 P.M. with judging at 3 P.M. and open tasting after judging is complete. All chili entries must be in a crockpot at 160°, with a ladle and a cord to plug in. Free beer until gone for paid participants and 50/50’s available. Note, the weekend has changed on this event due to a scheduling conflict, hopefully you can still join us.

Calendar of Events for 2025, 02/7-9/25 ABATE Officer’s Training – Marshfield Hotel. 02/13/25 ABATE Annual Biker Lobby Day – State Capital Madison. 02/15/25 5th Annual Ray Ray’s Bottom’s Up Chili Cook Off & Meat Raffle (details above). 03/08/25 32nd Annual Amberg Pub Chili Cook Off & Meat Raffle. 04/26/25 Triple C Riders/Region 3A Chili Cook Off & Meat Raffle Lolli’s Marinette. 05/tbd/25 – Brat Fry & Motorcycle Awareness Rally. 05/16-18/25 ABATE Acres Land Warming. 06/14/25 22nd Annual Buck Kittredge Ride. Then the Summer Hummer on 06/19-22/25.

In Good and Welfare, we collected toys for Triple C Rider’s 9th Annual Frosty Toy Run along with passing a hat at the December meeting. The toys will be given to children in the Tri-county area hospitals over the holidays until they are gone. Thank you to everyone who contributed toys or cash for toys to be purchased. We will have Sweetheart Cash Raffle tickets available at the meeting until the end of the February meeting.

Get Interested, Get Informed, & Get Involved!

