Region 3A: Oconto / Marinette / Florence Counties
Regional Rep: Ryan "Duke" Dequaine
Don Derouin
Mike Skaggs
Gilbert St. Charles
Treasurer/Area Rep: Rachel McGowan
Legislative Officer: Ryan "Duke" Dequaine
Share The Road: Cat Huntowski
Regional Products: Carolyn Kittredge
Products Assistant: Mary Skaggs
Region 3A Etree:
Meetings: 1st Sunday, 1p.m. at Windmill Bar & Grill, 6949 HWY 22, Oconto Falls
December 2024
Greetings Region 3A! We held our monthly meeting on November 3rd, at the Windmill. We started things off with the Pledge, MOS and welcoming of members. In Communications, the next three meetings are on 12/01/24, 01/05/25, & 02/02/25. In Products, Rachel filled in on products, as Carolyn was away on a well-deserved vacation. Thanks to both of them. Safety/Share The Road, in Safety, motorcycle fatalities so far this year are on par with last year’s numbers. As of writing this, there were 93 total crashes reported resulting in 96 fatalities and 34 injuries in Wisconsin. Deer contributed to 7 total crashes reported resulting in 7 fatalities and 4 injuries. WE need to do our best to reduce these numbers. In Share The Road, two classes are currently scheduled for December. Thanks Cat, for getting this valuable program back in the area, to help educate and create awareness for motorcycles on our roadways. If you know of a driving class, group, etc. who would like to see a presentation of the Share The Road class, please contact Cat at the information provided on the article’s header. In Legislative, we went over the Legislative Agenda set at the State Meeting in October. The items we will be talking to our legislators about at our lobby day in February are the right to repair, protecting our fuel source with E10 or less, consumer choice in selecting an engine type appropriate to our needs, anti-profiling, and as always opposing mandatory helmet laws. We also talked about high priority objectives for the MRF as well.
In Membership, I quoted Groucho Marx, “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” We all know some bikers with this kind of mentality, and we need to find an avenue to break through to them to be a part of something that helps protect their individual rights as a motorcyclist by being part of it. Good luck, you can do it! In Treasury, the October report was given by Rachel outlining the money in and out for the month along with the event report for the Fun Run. In Old Business, the date for the 10th Traveling Meat Raffle and Fun Run was set for 01/04/25, along with the Amberg CCO as 03/08/25. Still in the planning is a Brat Fry in May to coincide with a Motorcycle Awareness Rally most likely at the Piggly Wiggly in Oconto Falls. Work is started with invite letters going out for the 32nd Annual Fun Run, hoping to have it at the beginning of 2025. If you know of an establishment, bar, restaurant, coffee, ice cream shop, tattoo, etc. that would like to be in this year’s Fun Run book, please contact me or Rachel at the listed info above to get you or them the invitation/sign-up letter. The deadline for entry is 01/31/25 as we would like to get the books out as early as possible this year with the drawing/end party at the October meeting. In New Business, we voted on setting the date for the 22nd annual Buck Kittredge ride to be moved to 06/14/25 this upcoming year as there are some scheduling conflicts that wouldn’t work for the first Saturday in June as we have done in the past. This is a temporary move, and we will address it next year in the planning phase. Thanks for understanding.
What’s happening next? The 10th Annual Travelling Meat Raffle on the Sobieski Strip on CTY Rd S on January 4th, 2025. All stops are an hour, with meat raffles and 50/50’s at each stop, it starts at Noon at North Chase B&G, 1:30PM at Old Crow B&G, 3:00PM at Kroll’s bar, 4:30PM at Twisted Family, and 6PM at Wouter’s Sport B&G. Stop at one or all and join the Fun Run. The Fun Run has a $5 donation fee (no limit on entries), with one ticket entered in the drawing per stamped stop. Fun Run sheets need to be turned in between 6 & 7 pm with prizes to be drawn at Wouter’s Sports Bar & Grill at 7 pm.
Calendar of Events for 2025, 01/04/25 10th Annual Traveling Meat Raffle & Fun Run – see above details. 02/7-9/25 ABATE Officer’s Training – Marshfield Hotel. 02/13/25 ABATE Annual Biker Lobby Day – State Capital Madison. 02/15/25 5th Annual Ray Ray’s Bottom’s Up Chili Cook Off & Meat Raffle. 03/08/25 32nd Annual Amberg Pub Chili Cook Off & Meat Raffle. 04/26/25 Triple C Riders/Region 3A Chili Cook Off & Meat Raffle Lolli’s Marinette. 05/16-18/25 ABATE Acres Land Warming. 06/14/25 22nd Annual Buck Kittredge Ride.
In Good and Welfare, we will be collecting toys for Triple C Rider’s 9th Annual Frosty Toy Run along with passing the hat for this event at our December meeting if you wish to contribute. The toys will be given to children in the Tri-county area hospitals over the holidays until they are gone. Let’s help them out, so they don’t run out the whole year. Thank you to all of you for what you do and all of your support! We will have Sweetheart Raffle tickets available at the meeting until the February meeting.