Region 1B: Racine County

Regional Rep: Vacant

January 2025

1B Meetings: 2nd Sunday of the month

1:30 pm at Lady Luck, 2650 Thelen Ct, Caledonia, WI 53108 (Hwy G & I-94)

The Racine Region 1B meetings are now at 1:30 PM! Six meetings into the effort to revive this Region and meetings

are up to a dozen attendees! Thank you to those helping us grow this meeting and re-establish the Racine Region.

Spread the word and help us rebuild! This is a DAYTIME/WEEKEND meeting, available to those looking for a

meeting with easy freeway access and not on a work-night.

This month’s meeting included presentations on state and federal legislative initiatives and the upcoming Lobby

Day, with discussion and questions afterward.

Next 1B Meeting is 1:30 pm, January 12th at Lady Luck, 2650 Thelen Ct, Caledonia, WI 53108


