Dear Cuz,
I am a newer, active ABATE member that regularly attends meetings in my region. I would like to host a fundraiser during one of our meetings for my good friend who is running for political office in Madison. How do I go about doing this?
Politically Active
Dear Poli-Act,
You can’t. Don’t do it! ABATE is a non-partisan organization that offers no preference or allegiance for any candidate of any political affiliation. The organization is politically neutral. While our members are more than encouraged to get politically active in their regions, they are acting as private citizens, not as representatives of ABATE. You can, however, offer to work for any campaign you wish to and are encouraged to wear your biker “gear” when doing so, in order to let everyone know that ABATE is interested and watching how the politics in our areas are going. As an organization, ABATE is not allowed to contribute or raise any monies for anyone who is running for office or for any particular political party. If you want to financially contribute, do so as a citizen and in your own name.
ABATE does, however, encourage all of our members to get to know the candidates that may be representing you, and VOTE. Voting is the most powerful tool we, as members, have to elicit change. Knowing those representatives and letting them know you and your viewpoints, can go a long way if those candidates are elected. Will they remember that you worked to get them elected? You bet….and that’s how friends across the aisle are made and how some of our legislative agenda issues eventually come to fruition. Relationships start at home. Do your research, make the best decision for yourself, and VOTE. That goes for ABATE regional and state officer elections, too. Remember that ABATE’s election is coming up in October at the Annual State Meeting in Green Bay. Hope you can be there.