March 21, 2021
Jr. Patriot Report
April 2, 2021

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Dear Cuz,
April is finally here and in two and a half months my favorite party of the year will be here too, the ABATE of Wisconsin Summer Hummer. A wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and also to meet new ones. So many ABATE members look forward to this weekend in June all year long. There is a lot of work that goes into making this a successful party every year; from the volunteers that get the land ready in May during Land Warming, to the volunteers that sacrifice their weekends to keep the land maintained throughout the summer, to the hard-working Summer Hummer Committee, and let’s not forget the volunteers that help during the Summer Hummer itself.

Volunteers, what an awesome group. Without these volunteers checking members in at the front gate, maintaining security, delivering firewood, ice, and fire rings, selling coffee in the mornings, emptying the trash cans, running bike games, the bike show, selling raffle tickets, and products there wouldn’t be a rally. Wow, that is a lot of volunteers needed to keep the Summer Hummer running smoothly.

For those that have never volunteered at the Summer Hummer, you don’t know the fun that you are missing out on. The chance to volunteer with other members from your region or by yourself is rewarding. Volunteers work 4-hour shifts and are paid with ABATE bucks to use at the Summer Hummer. Where else can you get paid to have so much fun? There is a chance for everyone to volunteer at the Summer Hummer with no experience required. Just a positive, can do attitude and the ability to enjoy yourself. That 4-hour shift gives you an opportunity to socialize with so many members from all over the state. What a great way to meet new people. That 4-hour shift goes by fast, and I have had such an enjoyable time, I find myself wanting to volunteer for another shift. No lie.

I hope more of our members will take advantage and volunteer at this year’s Summer Hummer to experience the same enjoyment I have. All a volunteer needs to do is check the volunteer sign up section in the newsletter or ask at the gate when you get there – then let the fun begin. And it will.

Love to Volunteer

Dear Lovie,
Bless your little volunteering heart. Volunteering at our Summer Hummer is almost the greatest thing for an old biker grandma to hear about. It runs second to volunteering in the kitchen at my local church making pierogi to sell at our local pierogi fest. While both can seem labor intensive, I know Hummer duties are a lot more fun, not to mention the life-loving people and antics you’ll be around. Some of my pierogi making blue-hairs wear hair nets after all, not leather and boots—although that dress code idea leaves quite a visual in my mind. I may have to bring it up at my next pierogi meeting. What do you think?