Here Comes the Sun
March 31, 2024
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month
April 30, 2024

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Dear Cuz—

May is finally here. And in one and a half months my favorite party of the year will be happening, the ABATE of Wisconsin Summer Hummer. A wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and also to meet new ones. So many ABATE members look forward to this weekend in June all year long. There is a lot of work that goes into making this a successful party every year; from the volunteers that get the land ready in May during Land Warming, to the volunteers that sacrifice their weekends to keep the land maintained throughout the summer, to the hard working Summer Hummer Committee, and let’s not forget the volunteers that help during the Summer Hummer itself.

The Summer Hummer volunteers. What an awesome group. Without these volunteers checking members in at the front gate, maintaining the restrooms and showers, bar tending, selling bar chips, maintaining security, delivering firewood, ice, and fire rings, emptying the trash cans, running bike games, the bike show, selling raffle tickets, and working in products, the Hummer just wouldn’t be the same or run as smoothly as it does. Wow, that is a lot of volunteers!

For those of you that have never volunteered at the Summer Hummer, you have no idea how much fun you are missing out on. The chance to volunteer with other members from your region or by yourself is very rewarding. Volunteers work 4 hour shifts and are generally given some ABATE bucks to use at the Summer Hummer. Where else can you get paid to have so much fun? There is an opportunity for everyone to volunteer at the Summer Hummer. No experience required. Just a positive “can do” attitude and the ability to enjoy yourself. That 4 hour shift gives the volunteer an opportunity to socialize with so many members from all over the state, country and occasionally, the world. What a great way to meet new people. That 4 hour shift goes by so quickly and I myself, have had such an enjoyable time I find myself wanting to volunteer for another shift.

I hope this year more of our members will take advantage and volunteer at this year’s Summer Hummer and experience the same enjoyment that I have experienced. All a volunteer needs to do is check the work schedule at the gate, sign up for a shift, and let the fun begin.


The Volunteer


Dear Volunteer,

Well Bless your little Volunteer Heart!! Once a volunteer, always a volunteer, I say. It seems we have all been afflicted with that defective volunteer gene, as Auntie ABATE used to say. You can’t build Rome in a day and you can’t put on a premium rally in a day, either. Next year’s party starts the day after this year’s is done. So, if you want our rally to grow and be enjoyed for years to come, and by generations to come (after all YOU own the land), volunteer your time, talent or treasure to make every year successful and profitable. And remember, what happens at the Hummer…..stays at the Hummer! It’s safer that way.

Your ever loving “Cuz”