Opportunities Abound
March 2, 2024
Products Report
March 2, 2024

Boots on the Marble

by Steve Panten

ABATE’s Lobby Day is an exciting day for motorcyclists and our 2024 event did not disappoint. We had a great turnout. It’s a great sight to see the halls of the State Capitol filled with motorcyclists everywhere you look. There was a steady stream of members and friends walking in and out of offices with an understanding of what we can be successful if we fight with one message.

This year was the first time since our early years that we needed to talk to our elected officials about a bill that we drafted that was vetoed by the Governor. We asked the legislators for input on how we can adjust the language to get the support of the Democrats, and hopefully get the Governors support.

Our bills AB 141/SB 213 and AB 142/SB 212 were drafted to protect a consumer’s choice to purchase a vehicle or piece of equipment with an engine type that they feel is appropriate for the purpose. We informed our elected officials that we believe a consumer should be educated on what type of engine is appropriate for their needs and let them decide. Battery technology has improved greatly over the years, and you see that every day with the use of battery powered tools and small engine products. The switch from electric power tools to battery was not done by the government telling us this is what you must use, but rather by consumers recognizing this is the appropriate tool for the job. So why would choosing a vehicle be any different? Technology will continue to improve, and electric vehicles will become more affordable and beneficial because of those improvements. ABATE of Wisconsin will continue to work to ensure a consumer in Wisconsin has a choice when it comes to future purchases, and we look forward to more discussions in Madison.

Protecting E10 or less is another important topic that we brought to our elected officials. We have seen bills introduced and conversations happening about increasing ethanol in the gas and requiring new distribution equipment to handle those higher ethanol levels. ABATE of Wisconsin and the motorcyclists we represent are not opposed to increasing ethanol in the gas, but we are determined to protect the only gas that is legal to use in a motorcycle or small engine. This topic affects more than just motorcyclists since it is also illegal to use gas with an ethanol content higher than E10 in outdoor equipment, cars manufactured before 2001, and small engines. We are happy to see that more groups are starting to recognize the importance of this, and we look forward to having them join us on this.

Another topic was Vehicle Data Recorder Protection which would require anyone to ask permission before collecting data about where and how you drive. We are in the early stages of discussing this, but we did have success drafting a piece of legislation that failed to make it out of committee in 2017 so we are looking to expand on that. With new information about who is collecting and selling your information, we are seeing more states passing legislation defining who owns the information and how someone can access it. We will continue to have discussions and hope to have a bill draft ready soon.

The last two topics were right to repair and anti-motorcyclist profiling. Right to repair would require manufacturers to provide the tools and technology to repair their vehicles and devices without going back to the manufacturer. We have seen other states pass various forms of legislation to require this for certain types of vehicles and electronics. We would like to see legislation that will ensure that we are able to use a repair shop of our choice and not be required to schedule an appointment with the manufacturer.

We have seen some law enforcement agencies profiling residents because of what they drive or what they are wearing. This has been happening at a more frequent rate in the state and we have been able to meet with some law enforcement agencies to stop it from continuing. Because we are starting to see an increase in this practice, we discussed with our elected officials the possible need of a resolution, or piece of legislation, from our state government expressing the need for proper training to stop treating everyone as a criminal because of their mode of transportation or apparel.

So, as you can see, we had a very successful Lobby Day! This could not happen without our members and friends recognizing that this IS the most important day of the year for motorcyclists in the state. Over 500 people took the day off work or rearranged their schedule to show up! We are a grassroots organization, so we rely on constituents to build relationships with their legislators to let them know that we are The Motorcycle Issue Experts, and we understand what is important to motorcyclists in the state.

Together we can create a safe and enjoyable environment for motorcycling in the State of Wisconsin. Thank you to all that attended. I cannot express enough how important it is to fill the Capitol and meeting rooms with motorcyclists to show how important these things are to us.

That’s It,
