February 1, 2021

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Dear Cuz, Why is it that my newsletter comes on different days every month and comes so late? Sometimes Under read and Uninformed. Dear Un, Unfortunately, […]
January 1, 2021

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Dear Cuz, Kinda hard to get up some enthusiasm for things right now what with the Covid, lack of ABATE fundraising and chili cook-offs to go […]
November 30, 2020

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Oh, Auntie ABATE—By Golly, it’s been one heck of a year! We’ve had two major elections – our own ABATE of WI elections, and the Presidential […]
August 31, 2020

Auntie ABATE / “Cuz” Report

Dear Cuz, I am a newer, active ABATE member that regularly attends meetings in my region. I would like to host a fundraiser during one of […]