February 1, 2021

Jr. Patriot Report

by John Stumpner Most TV shows and movies like to portray bikers as tough white guys. But, we know nothing could be further from the truth. […]
January 1, 2021

Motorcycles Around the World

by John Stumpner We often think of bikers and motorcycling as something just done in America. After all, that’s where we live, what we read the […]
November 30, 2020

Helping Those In Need

by John Stumpner Some of the general public views bikers as people who like to break laws and only care about themselves. But the real truth […]
November 1, 2020

Motorcycling Pioneers

by John Stumpner Winter is coming. This is the time of the year some bikers are putting their motorcycles away for the winter. While prepping their […]