March 31, 2020

Van Buren’s on Bikes

by John Stumpner Usually, when we think of bikers, we think of big guys in black leather. But for as long as motorcycles have been around, […]
March 2, 2020

Daytona Bike Week

by John Stumpner One of the advantages of our many freedoms is the ability to get together with other people who enjoy the same things we […]
February 2, 2020

One of the Biggest Motorcycle Manufacturers in the World

by John Stumpner is Harley Davidson, Incorporated. Just about anyone who rides a motorcycle has heard of Harley Davidson, whether it’s the motorcycle brand they ride […]
January 1, 2020

Mistaken Identity

by John Stumpner Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do, but had to suffer for it anyway? Misunderstandings, mistaken identity or just plain […]