September 30, 2020
Give’r Hell in ’21
September 30, 2020

Challenge Yourself

by John Reblin

I was not sure what I wanted to write about this month, this being my last article as Deputy Director. I did not want to write about things done or missed deadlines. But I did want to write about something relevant to motorcycling and ABATE of Wisconsin, challenging yourself.

At Officers Training, I mentioned wanting to run a half marathon, my third, but first on the road in competition. My intent in bringing it up at Officers Training was actually to challenge myself. I wanted the word out that this was what I was working towards, what I planned from that first step in a pair of sneakers, at 3:30-4 in the morning on a cold Wisconsin road. I wanted a challenge that I could reach with some effort, to motivate myself to get it done. So, I plan to use that now, to hopefully motivate or challenge you to help out in ABATE in Wisconsin.

To start with, I challenge all riders to “ride their own ride” and not to ride at the level of their ego. Take a rider course that will challenge you AND use these skills to stay alive on the road.

Speaking of challenges, we have elections coming up, with the results of the final board members and officers being elected. We have quite the selection of people running from across the State for various positions. We also have a couple of write in’s running for vacant seats. These write-ins feel they can contribute something to that position, even though someone else is running for it. The challenge for you is to vote in the people already on the ballot, or write-in someone that you feel can lead this organization forward in the future.

I also challenge those that are running for the board, to be ready to step up, roll up your sleeves and get ready to work. We need the District Directors out there working with the regions by providing help or giving them the tools to succeed locally. I also challenge that the regions be willing to fundraise in order to keep the organization ready to fight for motorcyclists’ rights. It is important that the regions, with help from the District Directors, reach out to the local police, judges, politicians and public in getting our message out.

Hopefully, those that are running at large are ready also, to help where they can within the district, and at the committee level. Many of the things we are voting on are thought out at the committee level and when fleshed out, decided on. My challenge to them is to get involved, share your knowledge, and help these committees to move forward, better, and stronger. The challenge for the committees is to make sure they planned or made a “road map” to get from the idea stage to the completion of whatever we are after. Whether it be a raffle, or an awareness poster, there needs to be a plan that has a start and an end to it, that reaches a goal that should be, hopefully met.

The organization also has to plan ahead. We need to mentor that next person. Steve Panten keeps bringing up the fact that he is looking for his replacement. When we find that replacement, you nurture, mentor, and work with them and then step back and let them lead. In real life, that replacement is coming from the regions. The regional rep, noticing a person that has a skill set that can be used, then guiding them further, giving them more and more responsibility until they are ready to be in a leadership position. At that point, the regional rep challenges them to take over the region or to run for the board.

We also need to look at technology and use it to grow stronger. Sharing our message in an easier way if it has been difficult to share in the traditional ways.

Hopefully, all of you accept a challenge, and work as hard as you can to make that challenge a reality. ABATE of Wisconsin will be stronger for it in the future, than it was in the past.

See you in October in Green Bay.
