Democracy; government in which the power is vested in all the people. What does this mean to you as an American? Our government is supposed to be a direct voice of its constituents. The only way this can be achieved is if we all get off our butts and go vote. It’s not only our right as free Americans, it is our duty. Throughout history, people have fought to be able to have a voice in their government. Without voting how could we be anything but a totalitarian state? Apathy has driven many great cultures out of existence. Could we be next? There is still enough time left to research candidates and make informed decisions. Almost every seat in the state assembly has more than one candidate running, and half of the state senate is up for re-election. This year at the federal level you will be voting for a Congressman and a Senator to represent you. Where will you be Nov.6th?
I rarely have time for movies that aren’t cartoons but several years ago I watched one that really made me think about the issue of voting. Although I believe the movie was about diamonds, I was shocked at one point when a peaceful African fishing village was overrun by rebel troops that caused a great amount of carnage and then rounded up all the men for what I believed was going to be a gruesome slaughter. The men were made to kneel down with their arms over an upside-down boat that became a makeshift cutting board. The rebel leader proceeded to say “short sleeve or long sleeve” before whacking off the men’s hands with a machete. “So you want to vote?” the leader said, “How will you vote with no hands?”, asking each one as they knelt before him. Now I realize that there may have been a little dramatization for the movie, but I remember well the horrors that occurred in different countries in Africa throughout the 70’s and probably to this day. Not allowing people to vote is a simple way to oppress them. For over forty years, eastern Europeans had little opportunity to express their voice to the government without retaliation. But, with persistence and dedication to freedom the Berlin Wall was demolished, and communism ended as we knew it. I’m sure elections there see over 90% turnout. Today we still see many countries fighting for their right to free elections, and still longing for democracy. What would people there think of us if they knew we passed up the opportunity to vote?
As a member of a motorcyclists’ rights organization, I would be happy if I convinced every one of you to go to the polls this November. We have the unique opportunity to show our legislators, or future legislators, who we are and what we believe in during this campaign season. Take the time to call a candidate that you believe in and ask how you can help. Helping can be as simple as putting up a yard sign or as difficult as organizing a fundraiser. Check with your regional rep and ask if any candidates have been invited to speak at a meeting, and maybe help by following up with your candidate. Any help is appreciated by candidates and it sure helps us when we call them to ask for their support.
I’ve always been shocked at the amount of people that don’t find voting important, but nowadays I’m even more shocked at the amount of research people put into a candidate’s background before they go to the polls. We have reached the information age, but some people still prefer to get all hyped up on campaign rhetoric to make their choices. ABATE of WI has given all of us the tools to follow the actions of our legislators for their entire term, so there should be no surprises when it comes time to vote. There are many issues to consider when deciding who to vote for and I hope you have weighed the positives and negatives before making your choice. Sometimes a candidate does not support everything that you believe in, so you might have to do some soul searching to decide what things are most important to you before you make your trip to the polls.
Everyone should know by now that not only is this year an election year for our government, but also for ABATE of WI state officers. In the last several newsletters candidates for state officers were listed along with a ballot and looking at advertising I see that there are several people running as “write in” candidates also. Please take the time to bring your ballot to the Annual Meeting with your choices marked (extra blank ballots will be available if you need one). Even if an officer is running unopposed, your vote shows your support for them at their positions. Votes that were mailed in will be counted through October 1st. Your final opportunity to vote will be at the annual meeting on October 14 at the Mead Hotel in Wisconsin Rapids. Let’s show our state officers that we appreciate the time they put in to make this organization the leader in motorcyclists’ rights in the nation by taking the time to vote.
With difficult economic times seemingly behind us and in my opinion a large lack of leadership in our government, the time to make a difference is now. Research information on the candidates, maybe give a hand to those that you favor and do your part preparing for the future. There is no better time than now to be involved in politics and make things happen as an individual. Remember, the only thing that apathy ensures is totalitarianism. Let everyone know the responsibilities of voting. A government for the people, by the people only works if you do your part. You know where I’ll be November 6th; I hope you’ll be there too. Until next month…Ride Free