First Things First…
March 3, 2022
ABATE Acres Report
March 3, 2022

Did you get yours? I got mine.

by Bill Roberge
I recently returned from Lobby Day in Madison, and I think we had a pretty good turnout, although we could have had more members attend. More members mean better attendance. Did you get yours? I got mine. It seemed that the Legislators and their Aides that attended our meetings were truly listening to what we had to say, and we had some good feedback. Thanks goes out to Steve Panten and his Lobby Day crew for getting all of this ready for us because it is the most important day for ABATE of WI.

2022 is an ABATE corporate election year. If you are a 2-year member of ABATE of WI, you are eligible to run for any office from Regional Rep to Executive Director. Keep an eye on the newsletter for the election year timeline. You don’t want to miss any deadlines in the election process.

Spring is also only a few weeks away and we will have the opportunity to get out on the road and talk to people about our organization. I know some of you have been asking for trifolds and we will be printing a new supply soon. In the meantime, you can use the membership form that is in the newsletter, the half fold cards that we have available, or the full-page forms that some of you have seen around the state. Whatever form you use, please be sure that the form is legible, and that all information provided is correct. We still sometimes spend a lot of time trying to decipher what comes to us. Also be sure to include your name as “recruited by” in order to qualify for the various membership promotions that are ongoing.

When promoting ABATE to non-members, also remember to talk about the Summer Hummer. Everyone puts a lot of work into this fundraising event, and I think this year it will be one you won’t want to miss. We have good entertainment planned, good food to eat, and good times ahead. This is a great opportunity for new members to get a chance to visit with other members and officers from all over the state. A lot of knowledge can be gained over a few beers at the bar. See you there.

Also, if you are renewing or signing up for the first time online, pay attention to the auto fill section when you enter your information. We have seen a few problems pop up in that area. Make sure that all of the information being filled in is current and is accurate.
