by Bill Roberge
Officer Training is coming soon on February 7th, 8th and 9th. I hope to be presenting a few new incentives to encourage our members to get new members. I am always open to your ideas. Feel free to email me any ideas you have to increase membership. The solution to increase membership is easy. Every member needs to sign up one new member over the next 12 months. If I can sign up a new member, then any of you can also do it. Think about it. One member. Twelve months. So, get yours, I got mine.
We have what we call an elevator speech that is available for you to use. According to Tiger, the “elevator speech” refers to the length of time we have in an elevator to explain what ABATE is and does to protect motorcyclist’s rights to prospective members before they get off at the next floor. In other words, it is short, concise, and attention grabbing. I will be sending this, as well as other membership information, to all regional representatives every month so they can share information with you. I can also put you in contact with another member that is good with recruiting new members. We can do this. Let’s do it.
While recruiting, let’s not forget about that new member. Make them welcome at your meetings. Talk to them and include them at your events. Make introductions. Also, talk to our expired members. See if they will share why they are no longer a member. A lot of people feel like they shouldn’t be a member if they no longer ride. Not true. Explain that we are fighting for things that affect many, non-riders as well. – internal combustion engines, for one. We are always looking for feedback. That’s how we improve our methods. Maybe there is something you can do to get them actively back. If your efforts are fruitless, then thank them for the time they did support ABATE.
I also plan on sending a list of current members, as well as expired members, to your Regional Rep every month. Keep in mind that our membership lists are confidential. It is the responsibility of your Regional Rep to keep it that way.
If you need anything to help you get yours, let me know.
In the meantime, Ride Safe, Ride Free, Ride with ABATE.