by Dave ‘Twit’ Linberg
I’m home from the Summer Hummer and exhausted to say the least. It takes a lot of preparation for us single folk to get ready for a weekend of endless fun and to unpack it all when we get home. I was very pleased to see how many members renewed at the gate and especially happy to see how many brand spankin’ new members used their $10 off gate admission coupon because they became new members during this past year. It does my heart good to see that so many of you are talking us up, promoting the organization and gaining us fresh blood, so to speak. With these new members come new ideas and exciting enthusiasm. Some of those new members have taught me that you can teach an old dog new tricks. It may take those old dogs a little longer to learn, but they can be taught.
Our Hummer was a little wetter and cooler than we have been used to. I heard many comments about the rainy weather keeping people away from a camping weekend. Really? My answer to that is…. “It’s Only Water Folks!!!” I know I’m sweet, but even I know I won’t melt. Mother Nature’s wrath should not be a deterrent to the best rally in the state and ABATE’s biggest fundraiser of the year. We need each and every dollar earned at the Hummer to do what we do best. Those Hummer dollars pay off in large dividends when we use them effectively in Madison and Washington, DC on legislative issues, safety issues and towards motorcycle education.
By the time you get this newsletter all of those new memberships and renewals should have been processed by the staff at the state office. If for some reason you haven’t received your membership card, please let me know. It’s my personal goal to get you your ABATE credentials within a few days of receipt of your application.
If you happened to come through the gate on Friday afternoon, you had the opportunity to meet our newest office gal, Peggy and her husband Bruce. They drove to ABATE Acres for the afternoon to work a shift at the gate on their way to another gig in Wausau. That’s dedication and getting involved right away!
Once again, a very special THANK YOU to the many, many new members that have come into ABATE of Wisconsin in the last month and to all the folks that came to the Hummer for the first time, I’m hoping you truly enjoyed your first-ever dysfunctional family reunion. For all of you who are so new to ABATE of Wisconsin that you just joined us at the gate during the Summer Hummer, THANK YOU! Let’s keep mentoring our potential members, our new members and our slightly used members, and let’s be safe out there. You CAN ride in the rain you know…..It’s only water!