By Krissy Bowe
Since my last article we went to Madison for Lobby Day. It was great to meet some new people who weren’t members of ABATE. I heard that there were lots of new faces that mentioned seeing our Lobby Day event on Facebook. This was a great reminder of the importance of sharing. We share on the State page, you share on your Regional pages, and then we all need to share on our Personal pages. This is one of the easiest & cheapest ways for us to spread our message.
Regions have been doing a great job of adding me as admin on their Facebook pages and I appreciate it. We have had a few Regions that indicated previous officers have stepped down and new ones don’t have access. Because John or I didn’t have access, we are struggling to get those pages turned over. Please, please make sure to get us access.
Our Regions have been really busy with meat raffles, chili cook-offs, and other events. As we look forward, we’re rolling into Motorcycle Awareness Rallies, Bike Blessings, and Rides. Please remember to email information to if you need posters or posts designed. Once you send me the information or your designed materials, I’ll make sure to get it on the state page as well.
Keep up the great work!
ABATE of WI Marketing Director