The Motorcycle Industry in Wisconsin
April 3, 2022
It’s Coming!
April 3, 2022

Membership Director

by Bill Roberge

It’s time for the ABATE of Wisconsin Corporate elections to begin. This is a very important time for us deciding who will guide our organization for the next two years. We have many challenges ahead of us. Things like self-driving cars and trucks, the future of the combustible engine, and the availability of fuel, if we decide as individuals not to ride an electric motorcycle but want to maintain our lifestyle as it is – the very future of motorcycling is in question.

It is for these reasons that the selection of your leaders is so important. Take the time to look at the profiles of the candidates seeking out the various offices of ABATE that will start to be listed in the next issue of the newsletter and over the next few months. District Directors are up for election first. The ballots for District Directors will be cast by mail-in votes during June and the winners will be announced in the August newsletter.

The balance of the elected officers will be voted on either by mail-in ballot due by the end of September, or your vote may be cast in person at the annual meeting which will be held in Shawanno on October 9th. The election timeline and voting deadlines can be found on page 4. Remember, all elected positions are up for grabs. Step up and run for office. Help guide ABATE of WI into the future.

This will be our first voting cycle that will not include our office in Black River Falls, so pay special attention to the mailing information on your ballot if you are voting through the mail. You must vote using your full name or your vote will not be counted. For example, you can’t sign your vote by your nickname such as “Cowboy.”

Regional elections are asked to be held prior to the state election deadline of October 9, 2022. Your Regional Rep, once elected, is able to appoint other regional officers. These offices are filled by anyone who is dedicated to the organization and is willing to attend meetings and share your expertise.

ABATE of WI has many things going on such as the Summer Hummer, Family Campout, Chili Cook-Offs, and various other fundraising events. You can be a part of the process. These events are also a great opportunity to get newer members involved and to invite potential new members to tag along, learn something, and join.

Summer is just around the corner. Get out and enjoy your freedom to ride what you want, where you want to ride, and recruit new members. It’s an easy ask. Give them a trifold and sign them up! In the meantime, ride safely.
