Marketing News
February 2, 2024
We Didn’t Start The Fire
February 2, 2024

MRF Rep Report

It may be cold out and most of us aren’t riding our motorcycles these days, but that doesn’t mean we take a break from the work. We are in the Freedom business, and that fight never stops. California is still trying to push for zero-emissions motorcycles, starting with model year 2028. Their plan is to have 50% of new motorcycles with zero emissions by 2035. That plan also includes NO sales of internal combustion engines in cars and light trucks by 2035. Realize that doesn’t just mean the bikes in California. That’s for all the states willing to cave and follow the California Air Resources Board (CARB) standards. In the public hearing, referring to electric motorcycles, the MRF stated, “Forcing consumers to purchase a product they do not want and will not use is not an effective public policy. Allowing the market to freely determine the products available to consumers will result in the best outcomes for all parties involved.”

With February 22nd on everyone in Wisconsin’s calendars, at the MRF level, we are gearing up for May 21st when we go to Washington DC for our annual Bikers Inside the Beltway. ABATE of WI is able to scholarship 8 people, one from each Congressional district. Others are welcome to come along as well. Reach out to Steve Panten if you are interested in grassroots lobbying at a federal level. Our main topics of discussion will be preventing a ban on the internal combustion engine (ICE), having E-10 or less fuel readily available, monitoring any legislation relating to autonomous and connected vehicles, and maintaining the right to repair and modify our own motorcycles.

Between our state and federal lobbying dates is the annual Heartland STEAM conference. This year it will be in Sioux Falls, SD, April 12-14th. I’m excited to hear we have more people wanting to go than we have scholarships available! Anyone can go and I encourage all officers to check out a STEAM conference. There is SO much information shared, and motivation gathered. The scholarships are designed to assist with financial expenses for the conference, particularly for those that might not be able to afford to go otherwise. If you don’t receive a scholarship, don’t let that discourage you from attending. Every conference brings our members back loaded with information and freshly fired up to keep fighting for our freedoms.

Grassroots lobbying in Madison and/or Washington DC may not be for everyone. But I bet a lot more of you do it and don’t even realize it. For example, today some members and I attended a fundraiser for a local snowmobile club. We have a lot of common interests and it’s a good way to build relationships. While we were there, our U.S. Congressman Glenn Grothman stopped in to support the club as well. After eating his brat, he recognized us and came over to chat. I took this opportunity to make sure he would be at our local ABATE brat fry the following week. He checked his phone and assured us it was on his calendar. I don’t think he’s missed a year yet.

It’s an election year, so our Senators, Congressman, Representatives, Mayors, Town Board members, and so on will be out at local events showing their faces and hoping to gather support for the upcoming election. This is a great opportunity to talk with them face to face and have some candid conversations about real topics and what’s really important to us. That is lobbying at its simplest form. And it is very effective.

I would be remiss if I didn’t send out a Congratulations to Cathy Dial, one of our Assistant State Reps, who just became a grandmother. I guess that’s a good enough reason to miss a board meeting. LOL! Congrats to Cathy and the rest of the family. We can’t wait to meet little Scarlett and welcome her into the biker community.

Always stay vigilant, my friends!

Jen Abraham


Board of Directors

MRF State Rep