Jr. Patriot Report
November 2, 2019
It’s All Our Jobs
November 2, 2019

Our Newsletter is Now Digital!!!

by Doris Weber

For all of you diehard paper loving fans, no worries, you are still able to get your newsletter in its original form. If you no longer want a paper copy of our newsletter you can now go to the ABATE of Wisconsin website to create your member profile and choose digital newsletter. You will need your active membership number to do this. Please go to:


You can also call the office and let them know you would like the digital copy instead of a paper copy

If you change your mind you can always log back into your profile and change your preferences at:


If you have any problems with this process, please email Damon or myself and we will work with you to get it solved as quickly as possible.

Damon is looking for new topics and people to interview for podcasts. If you have any suggestions, please pass it along to him.

Budget time is here. I am getting ready to submit my requested budget funds for 2020. If there are things you anticipate needing, beyond normal requests, please let me know. If you think ABATE of Wisconsin should be at a larger event and you are willing to work and organize it but can’t get into it for free, please let me know ASAP. I will request additional funds to cover the entrance fees.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Doris Weber