Mark Buckner wrote this in his article for the May/June 2023 edition of the American Bikers Journal (the MRF newsletter):
“I guess it just comes down to this: the world would be a better place if we would all get passionate about something in our lives, and by that, I mean whatever trips your trigger. Then take the time to educate yourself on what it is you’re passionate about, and, most important of all, do something about it. I think about the worst thing a person can do is to go through their whole life and never find that kind of passion for something bigger than themselves and get involved in fighting for their beliefs.”
This statement has really stuck with me. Sometimes I feel like I’m prioritizing too much of my time to ABATE and the MRF. I’ve heard people say, “you are married to ABATE.” In the volunteer world of motorcycling, we state that family comes first, followed by work, and then our volunteer obligations. Sometimes, juggling all three can feel like two full time jobs. Bare with me; there’s a point to this, I promise.
On July 15th, we held another Future of Motorcycling in Wisconsin summit in conjunction with the Harley 120th Hometown Reunion. July 15th was a Saturday, and it was held at 8 am. Why so early? Because that is the only time slot that was available due to all the dealerships having bands and vendors all day. We are very grateful to Suburban Harley for offering us their stage and sound guy to make this happen.
Due to other board members having prior family commitments, that put me on deck to be one of the presenters that Saturday morning. Now, I’m not a morning person and I live about an hour away from Milwaukee. So, this obviously required me to get up much earlier than I would have liked to on a Saturday morning. And it also required me to do something few of us like to do, and that’s speak in public, in front of a crowd. When I encouraged many of my friends to come and support the event, I got one of two responses. 1.) I have to work, or 2.) I’m not getting up that early to go to Milwaukee; I’ll enjoy the festivities later in the day.
Having to work or take care of family obligations are certainly acceptable responses. But all the people that felt that this event wasn’t important enough to get out of bed concerns me. Here’s Mark’s words again, “find that kind of passion for something bigger than themselves and get involved in fighting for their beliefs.” If it wasn’t for those of us that were, and still are, willing to get our asses out of bed at the crack of dawn, or drive countless hours to board meetings, ride to Madison and Washington DC, attend conferences all over the country, and so on, there wouldn’t be any festivities to enjoy. There wouldn’t be any fuel for our motorcycles. There may not even be motorcycles to ride.
Are you going to continue to say, “that won’t happen here?” Are you going to post on social media about how you got pulled over just for wearing a leather vest and hope that changes something? Are you going to complain when you can’t find fuel to put in your motorcycle? Or when the government forces manufacturers out of business—no longer allowing them to sell motorcycles? If you were at the Summit, you know these things are all real. It IS happening here.
So, are you going to sit back and wait for somebody else to, hopefully, put in the work for you? Or are you going to stand up, get passionate, and do something about it?!
Stay vigilant and get passionate!
Jen Abraham
Board of Directors
MRF State Rep