We are so close to putting this project to bed. It has been two years in the making, several additional years in the planning, and many people providing input and hours in order to get the project completed. Everyone that attended the Summer Hummer has agreed that it is a structure that will serve us for years to come. Let’s make the final push, raise the rest of the funds, and announce at the Annual Meeting in October that is paid for. Can we do it? Of course we can.
Where are we financially? We still need to raise $7,816.98 to pay for the project in full. This total includes the building of the Cornerstone Wall which we have been selling bricks for.
Our Buy a Brick Campaign has come to a close. At last tally, we have sold 108 bricks. Thank you so much to everyone that participated. As announced last month, Craft Masonry has very generously donated their services and some additional supplies, to construct it. The build will take place sometime in September / early October. If you want to see what it looks like, mark your calendar for land closing and see it first-hand.
The Land Development Committee
Robert “Worm” Grasse
Committee Chair
Robert.Grasse59@gmail.com abatewis@abatewis.org