The M.E.A.T. Is
January 4, 2019
Biker Day at the Capitol
January 4, 2019

Safety Report

by Gary Klinker

Happy New Year to everyone. As January rolls around every year people tend to look to the future and plan for the New Year. Safe Rider is a little ahead of the game. We have our schedule of classes set. Please check it and plan to attend one of our classes. We again will run License Waiver classes to get those unlicensed riders nice and legal with our one-day BRC2 LW. For those of you who want to brush up for summer, or learn new skills, check out the BRC2 Skills classes. Remember that the Dan Frantz Scholarship program has been depleted, but the classes are still a great bargain. Consider it an investment in yourself and your family. If you want to learn to ride or have children, grandchildren or anyone you know, send them to the ABATE Safe Rider site for the BRC basic class. We appreciate you spreading the word about us.

Since I know you all have your bike maintenance done and ready for spring, you should now think about your riding gear. It is a good time to take inventory of what you have and may need to replace. If your leather jacket was getting a little snug last fall remember that they tend to shrink even more hanging in a closet over the winter. Don’t ask how I know this. Gloves are an item that needs replacement every few years. If you need a new helmet, make sure you try them on for more than five minutes. Fit and comfort are very important. If it isn’t comfortable you won’t use it. This is a good chance to support your local dealer. If you want them there when you need them, support them all year long.

The swap meet and trade show season is also upon us. Despite the slump in motorcycle sales, the manufacturers are marketing great new models. More electronics, better mileage, more safety features, and more model sizes are being shown. I am personally very happy to see smaller entry level models on the market. These are not just little bikes for beginning riders. They are well built, models that would keep any rider satisfied for many years. Even the 300 cc bikes have very good horsepower and are full sized bikes. Probably as much as most riders would ever need. And the prices are great. Five to six thousand dollars as opposed to fifteen to twenty-five thousand.

That should be enough to keep you busy for this month. Next month will be time to focus on the real fun-riding season. Until then, stay warm and attend ABATE Regional events. Maybe I will see you there.

Ride Safe,
