by Betty Roberge
The Summer Hummer Committee was hard at it again this month holding an almost hour-long brainstorming session before our September Board Meeting. Many facets of improving the Hummer were discussed. First at hand is the solicitation of Summer Hummer sponsors. It is clear that in order to grow our Hummer, we need better attendance and that means we need to improve on the number of sponsors willing to help us out, so we have better things to offer. There was talk about soliciting businesses to sponsor different aspects of the event such as entertainment/bands, advertising, grounds keeping/janitorial, etc. We are asking for names of companies in your area that may consider becoming a 2020 Summer Hummer sponsor. Please submit those names to or let your regional reps know so they can forward that information to your District Directors and they can notify us. Or – if you are involved with these companies personally, ask them if they are interested in supporting our Summer Hummer fundraiser. We will get them the sponsorship information and form for them to complete. The Summer Hummer is our number one fundraiser of the year and we need better attendance in order to grow. Better attendance will encourage more vendors and increase our profits. Better attendance will allow us the funding to hire better quality bands, and better entertainment will make for better attendance itself, a vicious circle. We plan on sending out sponsorship requests within the next month so don’t delay in sending us your list of potential sponsors. It is our intention to have sponsors nailed down by December. This will allow us to set the Hummer Budget and to get our print and radio advertising set up during January for distribution of promotional materials at Officer’s Training the second week in February. We are on a tight schedule.
Again, your ideas are welcomed on what you would like to see done to improve the Hummer. I personally, would like to see a minimum of 50% of our membership attend. If you are a member or if you are not, please come out and support us. That would make for a great 2020 Hummer and would make this fundraising event a huge success! After all, the more successful it is, the more funds we have to support our legislative efforts, to support our motorcycle education programs such as Share The Road and our Highway Safety endeavors. It isn’t just a party…’s a lot of work….but it IS a lot of fun.
And remember,
“What happens at the Hummer, stays at the Hummer” Zip, Zip!