Sponsorships are in the works for the 2021 Summer Hummer. The committee is hoping to reach some bigger business that share a common bond with the motorcycling community and wish to help us continue our work in Legislation, Education and Safety. If you have any thoughts about who would be a good fit, contact Bob Aprill at (920) 373-3668.
The bands that were committed to the 2020 Hummer are on board to come to the 2021 Hummer with the exception of the ZZtop Tribute Band. If you have some ideas for a Main Stage band on Saturday night, forward that information to Worm as (920) 912-1789 or Robert.grasse59@gmail.com.
Rebel and friends had the opportunity to visit the Freedom Rally in Algona last month and they brought back some great ideas that we are talking about implementing for our rally. Keep in mind that this is the #One Fundraiser that ABATE of Wisconsin runs and the income we generate helps sustain us in our Legislative, Education and Safety work. The best way we can increase our coffers is if our own members attend. Let’s promote the heck out of this event and make it a premium motorcycle rally that everyone wants to come to. We want to have such a crowd that we turn them away at the gate. So, to put it in perspective, send us your ideas and promote, promote, promote.
Let’s “Give ‘r hell in ‘21”.