by Betty Roberge
Plans are already in the works for next year’s Hummer. First and foremost is the budget. The committee was hoping to be able to offer you something bigger and better next year based on attendance numbers from this year, but until our gate numbers increase, we need to remain fiscally sound and to do that we need to keep things the same and trim down expenses. This is a fundraiser and if we aren’t hitting our goal, things need to be re-formulated. As we’ve always said, if we could get 25% of our own members to attend in addition to our other guests, we would have a heck of a bottom line. Let’s do better at self-promoting this event next year. It all depends on you.
At the moment we are lining up area leads for next year. People that handled the different areas at this year’s Hummer will be approached to see if they are willing to continue to fill those positions. If you think you are a good fit for any position, let Worm or Betty know so we can get the ball rolling. A lot of what happens starts now, so we need those positions filled in order to move forward. Specifically, we are looking for someone to head up the Tattoo Contest and the Beer Bobbing Contest. In addition, we are looking for an on-site tattooist that has their own contained work studio.
The Friday night headliner band is in the works. The committee will make that announcement in September once we have a contract, and I think you’ll be pleased.
Sponsorship letters will go out end of September. If you know of anyone or any business that would like to be a sponsor for the 2023 Hummer, let us know so we can send them a brochure. Brochures will be made available to Regional Reps for distribution in their areas at the Annual Meeting. One way we can increase our Hummer budget is to get more sponsors at higher dollar figures. Think outside the box and let us know who you would recommend. Do you know someone who would sponsor a band and have their name listed on a banner on stage? For example: “Thunderstruck brought to you by _______.” Good publicity in addition to having those sponsors listed on our website, posters, newsletter, etc. If you aren’t able to volunteer at the Hummer, step up now and reach out for sponsors. Those personal relationships you have made over the years might come in handy now.
Besides sponsorships, the Vendor coordinators are already working on next year’s updated vendor lists, letters, and contracts so they are ready to go when the times come to nail down next year’s vendors. One area we would like to fill is a portable tattoo artist. Know anyone? Get their names to Lauri Shakal, Betsy Jennings or Kay Johnson.
That’s it for now….Everyone I talked to had a great time last June at the Hummer. We had some locals that showed up to see what we were about which is always good.
As always, forward any and all Hummer ideas to: or