All axioms that we are familiar with. We know that there is strength in numbers and we need all the support we can get. If each ABATE and MRF member encouraged just one member to join each organization, we would double our numbers. Imagine how much more successful we could be with twice as many volunteers and double the financial support. Imagine the impact we could have if we walked into the Capitol every year with 1,000 bikers instead of 500! Would the legislators take us more seriously when we expressed our concerns about losing our fuel supply, or profiling, or autonomous vehicles not recognizing us on the roads? Imagine how many more high schoolers we could teach Share The Road to. Imagine how many more members of the general public we could educate about motorcycles being everywhere and to pay attention to us on the road. Imagine how much safer the roads would be for us!
Both ABATE of WI and the MRF have been working really hard to create strong relationships with MCs and riding groups, along with independent riders. The Summit that was held on April 24th is a perfect example of this. We are so much more successful when we all work together. We all have a common goal–to enjoy the wind and to ride safe and free!
Shout out to Larry Williams of the Sheboygan County Motorcycle Club for taking this monthly article and reading the highlights at the club meetings. Your support is greatly appreciated! And I am forever grateful for your friendship!
If you, or someone you know, is doing something above and beyond to build relationships or share the knowledge, please let us know. Tell us the story. It will likely encourage others. We are all volunteers. And we know that volunteering isn’t cheap. So, we believe that recognition and a Thank You can go a long way in encouraging someone to continue doing what he/she is doing and know that he or she is appreciated.
Thank you for sharing the information in this newsletter with your friends and family. Thank you for continuing to be a member of ABATE and the MRF. Thank you for standing up and fighting to ride free. And thank you for staying educated and motivated!
As always, stay vigilant, my friends!
Jennifer Abraham