by Chubby
It seems to me that the older you get, the more time flies, everything gets busier, and the less time you have to sit and be introspective. Or at least that’s my life. I’ve always believed that hard work ensures success. Whether at work, in a relationship, rebuilding a bike, or just striving to meet a goal you’ve set. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you will reap the rewards. But there is always the question “Was it worth it”? Whether it’s pulling cash out of your pocket or time out of your day, was the sacrifice worth reaching your goals?
This is the last article I plan on writing as a State Officer of ABATE of WI. My term expires October 11th and I’m hoping the weather is still nice enough after that to just pick a direction and ride. I have no regrets stepping away from leadership, but I’m struggling to picture what life will be like without a monthly deadline to run over, endless emails, and the constant planning of meetings and events. Although I won’t miss some of the stress associated with the position, I will miss working with everyone. When you are surrounded with brothers and sisters that have the same goals in mind for the organization as yours and the willingness to put in the effort to achieve those goals, it’s hard to step away without feeling that there isn’t something more to do – something important that might help others in achieving their goals. No matter how the ABATE of WI elections turn out, I think we will have excellent leaders as we steam towards the future of motorcyclists’ rights in Wisconsin.
Every member has a different level of involvement in our organization and I think everyone has something to offer, which makes them a part of our success. When I first stepped up to be the Public Relations Director in 2005, I was a five-year member that could speak to anyone and loved what ABATE was about. I had very little knowledge of public relations, but I was willing to work hard, listen, and learn from other officers. The main reason I wasn’t accepted to the one college that I applied to was that my English scores were too low. One hundred and eighty-eight articles, countless press releases and alerts later, and I’m proof that a willingness to get involved is all you need to help this organization be successful. I’m no Hunter S. Thompson, but it sure has been fun sharing my thoughts and beliefs, and hopefully my inspirations, with so many through this newsletter. Moving from PR to the Board of Directors, to Deputy Director, and finally to my current position has required an ever-increasing level of effort and involvement. I have always been invigorated by listening to members tell me about their efforts and successes, and especially when they’ve shared how I’ve helped them along the way. As I step away, I look forward to seeing others increase their level of effort and setting new goals and then deciding for themselves if it is worth it.
If you define wealth by the amount of money that you have, I would have to guess that I will probably never be considered wealthy. But, if you consider it by the amount of lives you have touched and the number of lives that have touched you, I’m wealthier than Bill Gates. Since joining ABATE in 1999 I have met more kind, generous, passionate, and very real people than I had ever planned on meeting in my lifetime. How I was treated by fellow ABATE members in Region 1H when I first joined had a huge influence on my decision to do more within the organization. Since then, kind words along with emails and letters of encouragement have fueled my fire to continue to do all that I can for ABATE. I’m comfortable and knowledgeable about just about everything motorcyclist rights related by this point and I’ve shared just about everything with every person that’s ever decided to step up. I don’t know if ABATE of WI is in a better place since I started, but I know that our control and knowledge of our motorcyclist issues has never wavered and I believe we stick to our mission statement better than just about any other organization in the country. We have dedicated, passionate leaders and members. And we have yet to lose a fight worth fighting. Our land is paid off and members put it to better use this year, than I’ve ever seen before. Our bank accounts may not be overflowing with cash, but we are solidly in the black and have enough rules and protocols in place to keep it that way for a long time. If I have any regrets, it would be never finishing a strategic plan for the organization and not being able to increase membership, no matter how many different avenues we tried. But I have the utmost confidence that we are headed in the right direction and our efforts will pay off sooner than later. So, at the very least, I will be able to say that ABATE of WI didn’t suffer under my watch. And, I may not be rich with cash, but I’m wealthy with all the relationships and experiences I’ve had along the way.
Everyone joins ABATE of WI for different reasons, just like those that step up with a little more effort, have their reasons for doing so. I joined because I know freedom isn’t free and I wanted to be able to effect change legislatively. At this point I believe myself, and every member that has helped us lobby our issues, has more knowledge of grassroots activism than the majority of the people in our nation. Working on different bills and with various stakeholders almost always with success, has been an incredible experience. Lobbying at the Capitol with hundreds of my brothers and sisters and getting things done are memories that I will always treasure. But, beyond the legislative experience, the brotherhood that comes from working together on not only lobbying, but all the other issues that we tackle, including developing our land have been priceless. Join for the freedom, stay for the fun, I guess.
When I started this journey, my stepsons were both under age ten and my son and daughter were no more than a twinkle in my eye. Both my stepsons are now working on families of their own and my son is starting high school this year. He has never known a time when he didn’t have to share me with ABATE, and he’s never complained. They all have joined me at the Capitol countless times and also joined us all at events and fundraisers. My daughter is yet to hop on the back of the bike with me, although I think next spring will be the time. There are still plenty of experiences I plan on having in life and I’ll never be able to go back to a time when I wasn’t involved in ABATE of WI. The members that have driven my passion are too many to list, and I hope they all know how much they mean to me. Maybe this year’s Annual Meeting will have some of them showing up to see me off on the next stage of my life.
So, when I look back at the last fifteen years and ask, “Was it worth it?” I can honestly say “Hell yes”. It has been a priceless experience that I wouldn’t have traded for anything. If you have ever had similar feelings about stepping up and making a difference, I would highly encourage you to quit thinking about it and just do it. Few people can say they are actually making a difference for others with our lifestyle. ABATE members can. Remember,
Until I see you again…Ride Free