ABATE Acres Report
February 2, 2024
Products Report
February 2, 2024

The Time Is Near

by Steve Panten

Can you feel it in the air? The time is near for motorcyclists to gather in the Wisconsin State Capitol to discuss the issues that affect all motorcyclists in the state.

I know that you have heard it before, but ABATE of Wisconsin’s Lobby Day IS the most important day of the year for motorcyclists in the State. Do you know how your elected official voted on our Fuel Choice Bills AB 142/SB 212 and AB 141/SB 213? Here is our chance to thank the legislators that voted for it, and to ask those opposed to it why they do not feel a consumer’s choice to purchase a vehicle, or piece of equipment, is important.

On February 22nd, motorcyclists and supporters from around the state will gather at the Park Hotel in Madison for any last-minute updates to our legislative agenda items and to organize to attend the pre-scheduled meetings. It is the one day of the year where we will bring one voice to represent all the motorcyclists in Wisconsin.

One of the things mentioned earlier in this article is AB 141/SB 213 and AB 142/SB 212. These two bills were passed by the Senate and the Assembly but vetoed by the Governor last year. The bills would have protected all engine types in vehicles and equipment from being banned by any state or local government agency. The intent was to ensure that the state would not prevent a consumer from purchasing a vehicle, or piece of equipment, with the power plant they feel is appropriate for their needs and budget, based on their own research. While this would protect the internal combustion engine as we are used to, it was also drafted to protect other fuel sources such as hydrogen, propane and electric. On ABATE’s Lobby Day we will ask our opponents what changes we would need to make in the bill draft to gain their support.

One message that needs to be pushed is that all this is doing is preventing the state from banning engine types, but we would still need to follow the Federal Clean Energy Plan. We could have sent a message to Washington DC that Wisconsin is following Ohio, Delaware and Connecticut’s decision to not follow California’s lead when it comes to mandating when all vehicle and equipment needs to be electric. ABATE of Wisconsin believes that a consumer should have the right and freedom to choose the best product to accomplish their needs, independent of energy policies made elsewhere.

Protecting E10 or less is important to the motorcyclists in Wisconsin since the Environmental Protection Agency stated that it is not legal to use ethanol with a higher content than E10 in any motorcycle, off road vehicle, small engine, or any vehicle manufactured before 2001. The State Legislature introduced SB 454 and AB 455 which would have required any new gas station being built on new property to install fuel storage and dispensing equipment designed to handle a minimum of E25. They would also be required to sell no less than E15 in that equipment for 5 years and the State would give them an incentive for the upgrade. ABATE of Wisconsin testified against SB 454 because we feel it is important for our elected officials to ensure that motorcyclists would continue to have the only fuel that we can legally use.

Last month there was one final push to get the Senate Transportation Committee to vote on passing this bill which resulted in the Chair of the Committee, Senator Tomczyk, to reach out to us for our thoughts. We explained to him that while we are not opposed to fuel with higher ethanol content, we will fight to protect E10 or less. We asked why the 525,000 people in the state with a motorcycle endorsement would want to use our taxpayer money to offset the cost for gas stations to sell fuel that is illegal for us to use. Somewhere there has to be a compromise and we are willing to listen.

Right to Repair is not something that we have talked about much in the State of Wisconsin, but it is about time to start the discussions. Last year 6 states passed legislation which would require manufacturers of certain types of products to make the tools, parts and technology available for independent people to repair their own products. Some of these bills are specific to certain products like phones, computers or other electronics and some are specific to farm equipment, but Maine passed a bill to include vehicles. ABATE of Wisconsin feels that consumers should have a choice to have their vehicle or products repaired at a facility of their choice. We are starting to see companies state that they are no longer providing parts and service for their products so what options would we be left with? We do think that we will see progress on this in 2024 since it is a short legislative session, but we feel now is the correct time to start having the conversations.

Lobby Day is an exciting experience for everyone, even if you have been there before. It is so powerful to see motorcyclists take over the halls of the State Capitol and to be able to walk into a legislator’s office with a united message. These people were elected to their position to represent the residents in their district and now is your chance to let them hear what is important to you. Look elsewhere in this newsletter for the bus schedules, or you can drive yourself. Parking by the Capitol is tough, so the CC Riders have offered their clubhouse as a place to park and shuttle to the Capitol.

We could not do this without support. I would like to thank Mike Hupy and Hupy and Abraham for sponsoring the buses that are coming from the Milwaukee area. We also get a generous donation from the AMA to help offset our costs, and of course, the CC Riders for their support. All these donations and support help to make this a successful event. This is the most important day for motorcyclists, and it could not happen without all the members and supporters that show up. Thank you and I will see you in Madison the 22nd.
