Business Agent Report
February 2, 2020
Land Comittee
February 2, 2020

There are NO Stupid Questions

by Dave Twit Linberg

Time flies. The older I get, the faster it goes! You’d never guess that it’s getting to be election time for ABATE of WI. Be sure to keep an eye on the newsletter for your deadlines. If you have some ideas on where ABATE of WI should be going, either at your local level or at the state level, now is your time to shine. I sometimes think about what it really takes to have a successful organization. It takes people…..members make the world go ’round. At least in my circle, ABATE members. So, be sure to ask, “Are you a member of ABATE?” And if the answer is no, my reply is always, “Why not?” Keep those trifolds handy, folks and let’s step up our game this year. Every year my goal is to have each one of our members bring in one new member. Doesn’t seem too difficult, does it? If everyone complied, we would double our membership and That. Would. Be. Awesome.

Got a little off track with membership. Back to elections. Every two years is our election cycle.

We elect our Executive Committee, our District Directors, our Board of Directors and our Regional Representatives. Over the next several months the newsletter will keep you up to date for submitting candidacy papers for state level positions you are interested in running for and regional rep candidates can let their current regional rep and local membership know of their intention to throw in their “hat” at any local meeting. Local regional elections take place before State Elections which are held at the Annual Meeting the second Sunday in October. That way newly elected state officers know what regional officers are in place throughout the state as soon as those state officers take office. It also makes it easier for the office staff, the website techies and the newsletter editor to make officer changes at the same time. It is always a good idea to check the newsletter and the website to make sure all of your information is listed correctly.

Another thing I look forward to every year is Officers Training which is coming up the 2nd weekend in February. This is the second most important time for ABATE of WI. because our officers get a chance to talk about what is working for others around the state. It’s a time to learn from each other and make bonds. And here is something to remember when you go…. There are NO stupid questions, so ask away. If you don’t want to ask in front of a crowd, then search out someone who might know the answer you need. We are there to nurture and cultivate our officers into becoming premium representatives of ABATE of WI. So, if you like to cultivate – now’s the time to get your hands dirty.

One more thing….Happy Valentine’s Day! And speaking of that, be sure to buy some Sweetheart Raffle Tickets so you can play cupid this month. I’ve heard that can be fun. The raffle drawing is just before the Board Meeting on February 9th. Good luck….
