Walking Billboards
January 1, 2025
The Randy and Janine Memorial Ice Fisheree
January 1, 2025

This month We Talked ADVERTISMENT

by Betty Roberge

We had a productive monthly meeting in December that focused primarily on Hummer advertising. It was decided to forgo the billboard ads. They are expensive and limited to viewers that consistently travel down a certain path. We will instead add some additional radio spots throughout the center of the state to entice more people to try out the Hummer. Flyers will be printed in January for handout at Officer’s Training so they can get into everyone’s regional hands. Please be sure to use these posters by spreading the word and posting them in your local establishments, grocery stores, lunchrooms and wherever else they will get noticed. They are a powerful tool that will let everyone know about our event stretching from within Wisconsin to beyond our borders. Krissy will continue to post ads on Facebook the closer we get to the event. And of course, word of mouth really gets the ball rolling. If you have the gift of gab – talk it up and let everyone you come into contact with know how much fun can be had. Just ask the campsite judges….they will tell you for sure.

Going along with advertising is SPONSORSHIPS. Our goal is to acquire enough sponsors to cover our advertising budget to the tune of approximately $13,000. YES, putting on a fundraiser of this magnitude is expensive! If sponsors want to make it on the posters that print in January, they need to commit NOW before January 15th (we’re giving them a 15-day leeway.) The sponsorship form is in this newsletter. Have your contacts fill them out and get them to us sooner than later. Know that we are still accepting sponsorships after the flyer printing deadline is past. Let your sponsors know that they will still be listed in the newsletter, in the event schedule, and on our website. Remember too, that we have a $300 banner sponsorship program available. See the form on page 21 in this newsletter if anyone wishes to sponsor us in that way.

We are in the process of updating to a new website. Along with that will come a new Hummer page. If you have suggestions about what you would like to see on the page, please forward that info to Krissy in Marketing.

The committee has decided to offer volunteers who work (2) 4-hour shifts or a maximum of 8 hours, $15.00 in Pig Bucks. These Pig Bucks can be redeemed either for bar chips or in the products booth during the Hummer. Start thinking about where your skills lie and contact the lead in that area of the Hummer to sign up.

And…don’t forget to design a 2025 Hummer T-Shirt. Designs must be turned in to Worm by Officer’s Training. The winning designer will receive a complimentary Summer Hummer entry ticket for their efforts. Good Luck Artists!

Can’t wait ‘till the Hummer comes around. See you then.

Any suggestions to make our Hummer bigger and better? Contact Worm or Betty at the email addresses below.


Tell your friends!

Summer Hummer June 19—22, 2025

Send your suggestions to:


Worm at Robert.grasse59@gmail.com or to Betty at news30letter@outlook.com