Van Buren’s on Bikes
March 31, 2020
It’s Election Time!
March 31, 2020

To Change, Or Not to Change That is the Question

by Doris Weber

Change, to change or not to change. Change is a funny thing. It can be scary and stressful because it brings the unknown, but it can also be exciting and hopeful. So, is the stress worth the potentially great outcome, or is it better to be safe than sorry? Of course, it all depends on the situation and what the risks are, but we face these decisions every day. What is the correct answer? Well, I don’t think there is one. What is right for one person might not be right for another. So why am I talking about change?

At the March Board of Directors meeting, marketing proposed a logo change. The logo that we currently use was used from somewhere 40+ years ago. Many ABATEs and other groups use the same or a similar logo. Since it was created a long time ago by hand, it has a lot of small detail and doesn’t look good large or small. We have cleaned it up a few times, but it still doesn’t come out well when digitally printed. Does this make it a bad logo? Of course not. It does however make it a challenge. We have just gotten used to accepting it looking like a blob when printed small and looking rough when printed large. A committee has been formed to take a graphic artist’s sketch and turn it into something that would work well and be our own, but still remain similar. The reason we want to keep it similar is because we have used it for so long and it is on much or our merchandise and marketing materials. If we change the logo, we will start using it with our current items and just fade out the old version as opposed to printing all new stuff right away. Does this make you a little uncomfortable or do you feel like it’s a good idea? The great thing about having a Board of Directors is they represent YOU. Tell them how you feel one way or another, no answer is wrong, this is your choice.