Riding in the Wind
June 1, 2020
Executive Report
June 1, 2020

Treasurer’s Report

by Laurie Thompson

The Summer Cash Raffle HAS NOT been cancelled. I repeat… the summer cash raffle HAS NOT been cancelled…. Tickets are $20 each and are for sale out in the regions. I will do my best to locate a ticket for you if I don’t have any. If you have tickets for sale… Please make sure you let me know if you are struggling with sales. There are regions looking for tickets so there is no need for anyone to worry if sales are slow. Given the current state of the nation, we are all getting creative with sales – all 500 tickets will b

Regional fundraising has been hit hard so please discuss this at your regional meetings, ask for ideas on Facebook, talk to your District Director… let me know your ideas – let someone know your ideas. Although the state has opened back up, ABATE will continue to show effects of COVID-19 for months to come. If your region is able to hold an event, please do! And if your neighboring regions have an event, please support them if you can. The warm weather has finally found us, so let the wind be your guide!

Things have been slow at the gaming commission, so I don’t have an update on the coming raffle. Stay tuned…

But it’s not all bad…. our expenses are lower than projected due to cancellation of STEAM and Bikers in the Beltway. Our insurance costs went down due to cancellation of the Summer Hummer and it’s possible we may get some relief through the federal Paycheck Protection Program. Not exactly what I wanted to report, but in light of everything bad comes a glimmer of good.

Keep fighting for what you believe in and we will continue to get through this – TOGETHER.

Have a great month!!




